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Show us what you see!!!

It's official.... when I grow up I wanna be just like @zipper

Farm life (with fresh blueberries!), Yamaha,.... and Beneteau!!! You sir have it made!:winkingthumbsup"
if your in the Danville VA area and haven't visited this museum yet....you're missing out.....and BONUS shows this weekend !!

tag @bronze_10 @veedubtek @waterboy
Go out and get those end of the season deals! I found this deal on a 2018 Hyperlite Quad surf board, too good to pass up so it came home with me... :D

My son wanted to finish home work while we were running errands so he could play outside when we got home. Not that we spend time in this isle often... classic!
That's a bummer @buckbuck - but could've been much worse/damaging!

Glad to see the (majority) of the deck is still in one piece!
This is my first home owners insurance claim ever. I hope it goes well.
Surely you jest, @Speedling. You must have some big chainsaws.
I had a tree company quote me $1800. Insurance so far has said they will only put $500 toward removing the tree. Seems getting rid of the stump is the biggest issue.
Surely you jest, @Speedling. You must have some big chainsaws.
I had a tree company quote me $1800. Insurance so far has said they will only put $500 toward removing the tree. Seems getting rid of the stump is the biggest issue.
Really!?! - That quote is insane! Hell I cut up my own felled magnolia tree over a weekend.... and it was about twice the size of yours. And I did all that with my 18" Poulan!
Did it uproot your deck at all? I can't tell from the pics. There looks to be some angle to it but I can't tell the extent of the damage. Really sorry to hear about it bud.
Go out and get those end of the season deals! I found this deal on a 2018 Hyperlite Quad surf board, too good to pass up so it came home with me... :D

View attachment 82492

Wow great deal! Maybe I need to go down to our Scheels and see what they have. I've been looking at the HL Quad - @swatski I think I saw you have this one if I'm not mistaken - how do you like it?
Surely you jest, @Speedling. You must have some big chainsaws.
I had a tree company quote me $1800. Insurance so far has said they will only put $500 toward removing the tree. Seems getting rid of the stump is the biggest issue.
Over $500 probably for stump grinder. Most outfits rent it. Ask around.
I have a decent chain saw. I wouldn't clear it out but i could break it up pretty good and if u provided the helpers i bet most of it would be in little pieces.
The trunks are the hard part but you also need to go somewhere with it. If i had enough notice i could probably bring friends with even bigger saws and get it all cut on a saturday. Again, need somewhere to haul. And trailer etc.
Do you know what type of tree?
That can make or break the "help".
It's not that I want my car telling me when to shift. It's that this car was born with 2 pedals, as was every single 2015 and newer audi A3, S3, and RS3 ever produced for this country. And noone has done (and at least documented) a complete manual transmission swap, let alone get rid of every little nuance that comes with such, and enables all the dumb little details like this shift indicator to work. It's taken me ~6 weeks and alot of mistakes, and alot of homework, and alot of trial and error, but this little girl has just done the 31 mile trek home completely problem free - and with some pretty decent MPG's to boot (particularly considering I was playing around alot at first). I'm not one to toot my own horn much, but dam this feels good!

Future UD student there? #Ghetto
Unless he gets great at something that will pay for UD... he will be at Wright state like dad. Much cheaper way to experience the #ghetto!
It's not that I want my car telling me when to shift. It's that this car was born with 2 pedals, as was every single 2015 and newer audi A3, S3, and RS3 ever produced for this country. And noone has done (and at least documented) a complete manual transmission swap, let alone get rid of every little nuance that comes with such, and enables all the dumb little details like this shift indicator to work. It's taken me ~6 weeks and alot of mistakes, and alot of homework, and alot of trial and error, but this little girl has just done the 31 mile trek home completely problem free - and with some pretty decent MPG's to boot (particularly considering I was playing around alot at first). I'm not one to toot my own horn much, but dam this feels good!

View attachment 82525
You are a MANIAC! (genius?)

Wow great deal! Maybe I need to go down to our Scheels and see what they have. I've been looking at the HL Quad - @swatski I think I saw you have this one if I'm not mistaken - how do you like it?
Most definitely - we love this board.
I'm a beginner so don't take what I'm saying too seriously - but my feeling is the Hyperlite Quad is really fast with all 4 fins installed. I think that helps beginner adult surfers, like myself, to find the sweet spot with enough push a little further back from the boat - and still be able to ride it ropeless.
Yet, this board is light enough so that my 12 and 14yo daughters can get up on it in deep water, which I find amazing.

Most definitely - we love this board.
I'm a beginner so don't take what I'm saying too seriously - but my feeling is the Hyperlite Quad is really fast with all 4 fins installed. I think that helps beginner adult surfers, like myself, to find the sweet spot with enough push a little further back from the boat - and still be able to ride it ropeless.
Yet, this board is light enough so that my 12 and 14yo daughters can get up on it in deep water, which I find amazing.


Not sure if you have any experience with the LF Rocket (or the very similar LF Fish) but I have the Rocket and interested in a little faster board - any idea on the compatison to the HL Quad. From research it seems like it’d be a faster board but be awesome if someone had experience with both.
Not sure if you have any experience with the LF Rocket (or the very similar LF Fish) but I have the Rocket and interested in a little faster board - any idea on the compatison to the HL Quad. From research it seems like it’d be a faster board but be awesome if someone had experience with both.
I know someone who does! @jcyamaharider
