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Gotta have the Natty Bo when have crabs. - How true Marylanders do it .
Always did the Natty Bo, just didn't know they had a Shandy out as well. My wife likes the Shandy, I'll stick with the original.
Hey Kai, does that loose tooth sticking out sideways hurt?
I will take care of that...found the string, so come over here and "sit" by the door. Good Boy!
Just kidding, it fell out while playing with Maia.
Pretty dog. What kind of dog is that? Is it a black German Shepard?
@jlcj7 He is a Belgian Shepherd, specifically Groenendael. They are black. His adult teeth are coming in now. Our other Belgian Shepherd, Maia, is a Grey Teuvuren. She is the one that paddle boards with me. Both very smart dogs.

I saw this on the marina owners truck this morning.
Innsbruck (Austria)
View from the window this morning.

And you know what that is ^^^^^... (nuts!)


This afternoon when fog cleared out a bit - I realized - this is the airport strip down there. Hats off to guys landing here, it is a very narrow valley/corridor

But... we don't have to worry about it for a couple more days...
Strassenfest, Baby!

And - in case you wondered what Milli Vanilli were up to these days!? - they are doing just fine (In Innsbruck, Austria)

Dancing on tables in Austrian Alps...

Looking for @zipper, in Tirol

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So I’m at a restaraunt in Turlock, CA which is arguably in the center of CA’s argicultural area and I saw this notice. What is up with Lemons? My neighbors can’t give their away. I just heard the manager say they get theirs mostly from Florida. Weird that the lemons here have to travel 3,000 miles to get on a plate. Maybe FL lemons are better than CA lemons.

View attachment 80706

That's crazy Ronnie. I live in Florida and went to a Chili's restaurant last night. They told me they don't have lemons cause they get them from California.
Great shots, you will not find me wearing Lederhosen tho...Visiting Austria, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are on my bucket list. Right up there with Bimini. Wait! That guy driving the Farmall looks familiar.:winkingthumbsup"
Honestly, what made us think of you was the smell of freshly cut grass - wish I could post that! It's just beautiful.

And - these guys actually use those tractors, we saw this dude finish and take off

@swatski I love Innsbruck. Went to summer school there (Summer Abroad Program) back in 2000. Flew in to that same airport from Amsterdam. Was scared the whole landing but then the beauty of the view was unreal. Was funny for me to watch my classmates who were not used to grocery stores closing at 7pm or businesses closed on Sunday's.

I would love to go back and see how much it has changed.