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Thanks @BigAbe75! I'm really hoping to get one more chance to go out this year. If we get a good weekend here soon I'll definitely get with you.
Red sky at night, sailors delight. Sunset from the deck last night.
From the tundra forum. WINNER! Wow.

At Microft Envision....

Sept. 24 and still picking fresh Blueberries
Picking since mid July.
Feeling pretty irate as I couldn't make the Lake Ouachita gathering...
As a small consolation, I took my daughter's high school marching band saxophone section on a river cruise. Beautiful day, and they were back in school on time for Kirkwood High home (football) game.

The water landing at Husky Stadium, for the the BYU - UW game. 20180929_161817.jpg 20180929_161051.jpg
David Wrights, last start as a NYM.

Place is PACKED out.20180929_191141.jpg
Hauled booty to austin after the game 20180929_184014.jpg 20180929_185928.jpg
Going to cota for the wrx/arx races tomorrow.
Love salt lick! Thank goodness for terminal A at DFW!