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The wind was my nemesis this weekend, so no boating... perfect excuse to get the atv's running the way I've meant to all summer. Required a full tear down of both carbs. One needs the electronic shift adjusted or somehow fixed, it doesn't like to downshift. They will both need the brakes worked on and new tires before we can do much riding.
Running around like a mountain goat... I seriously need a supercharger at this altitude to keep up!!!


Wow, great shots, hard to follow that...We went to dinner at "The Spot on the Dock" last night, a restaurant at the ferry dock in Burlington. Great place to watch the sunset and the Dragonboat teams practicing on the lake.
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20180915_174608.jpg Out for a late afternoon cruise.
Lake is down 6.5' down in prep for the storm that seems to be going around us now...

I've got that same refrigerator - no accompanying disco lights though :(
Woke up and thought about hitting the lake up but I haven’t been to the shooting range in a while and I wanted to blast the dust out of the barrels. Brought the XD40 and AR15 with me today. Still loving the lil Sig Sauer Romeo 5 XDR red dot. No issues with it in all lighting conditions I’ve shot it in.

50 yds MP15 Sport II

222251E4-75A4-43B1-9300-90362624D2C8.jpeg F474545E-F3E0-4A5D-BA1A-E57017D00561.jpeg 1B3669A6-0774-4E80-A52E-8C5044A2E310.jpeg

10 yards XD40


Man, I am long overdue for some range therapy...
Man, I am long overdue for some range therapy...

That's exactly how I felt this morning :D

Glad I did. Needed to blow off some tension from work/life :)
Got the tower installed today. Ready to do some surfing.
To bad I'll probably have to put it up for winter before I get that chance.
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Looks almost factory. Ready for some speakers and racks now! What brand? Did you have it installed? Price, if you don't mind? I have no desire for a tower now, but maybe later on.
Got the tower installed today. Ready to do some surfing.
To bad I'll probably have to put it up for winter before I get that chance.
View attachment 83359
@scot71 Looks great!! You’re not ‘that’ far from me. I’d meet you somewhere on a Sat or Sun and bring our boards. :) I think next week is busy, but week after maybe. We were out today and still had 83 degree water.
Looks almost factory. Ready for some speakers and racks now! What brand? Did you have it installed? Price, if you don't mind? I have no desire for a tower now, but maybe later on.
It's an Aerial Airborne and I paid $1209.00. It also came with a pair of 6.5" tower speaker, which are still in the box at the moment.
My brother in law and I put it on and it actually wasn't to hard at all. I'm very happy with it.