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The rocket/ fish is a very slow board compared to the quad. The quad also has some really good bouncy. Now with that being said there are a couple of different lengths of the quad, I like the shorter one better. The rocket/fish is like a Cadillac when carving, the quad is more like a mustang ( not quite up to Italian sports car standards but close ) Hope that helps?

On another note I just picked up a craigslist find and I am really excited to try it out. Doomswell spark plug!!

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The rocket/ fish is a very slow board compared to the quad. The quad also has the some really good bouncy. Now with that being said there are a couple of different lengths of the quad, I like the shorter one better. The rocket/fish is like a Cadillac when carving, the quad is more like a mustang ( not quite up to Italian sports car standards but close ) Hope that helps?

On another note I just picked up a craigslist find and I am really excited to try it out. Doomswell spark plug!!

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Thanks guys appreciate the insight!
My view this morning: beautiful Bull Shoals Lake
(Yeah, beats my office window!!!!!)

Got the boat hooked up and pulled it out of storage. Was getting ready to live axles and my beautiful wife says there is a screw in the truck tire. Right at the sidewalk. Getting new tires then heading off on our 100 mile trek to keystone lake
Wow, you'd have been screwed had she not noticed that.
You seem to spend a lot of time over there @Julian. Is it for work or you just like going?
When at the lake with no kids... some time you just have to park the boat.

20180901_143815.jpg Out on a cruise for a place to toss the hook and chill a while.
I don’t know... the wave is just getting better and better, with less ballast!
This is today with one adult and two kids in the boat, just center locker and swim deck custom filled (to capacity):
W/the wedge, of course

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Ripley Boat Club for early bite to eat.

Cows in the river in Kentucky.

We are halfway between Portsmouth and Cincinnati.


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20180901_203150.jpg Having some Chesapeake Bay blue crabs with friends and family and a really interesting shandy we discovered a couple of weeks ago
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We were out today with a friend who owns a slalom ski boat/equipment outfit and is a frequent ski event sponsor - he could not believe he was behind a Yamaha...
He is a pretty big guy. It was funny.
We see dogs at the marina daily. But you don't see this every day...meet Winston, the C dock cat. He lives here with his owners, friends of ours, on board for the summer. He can be a bit nosey as he likes to explore other boats and if you leave them open you might find him at your feet or in your bunk. No leash law for cats and the two poodles in the Nauticat 33 he is sitting in front of are pissed.20180902_191743.jpg
Yesterday tow boat US was busy on local lake Martin. This is from their FB page. Yikes G serie$$$$!

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