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Show us what you see!!!

Yes nc is an open carry state!
Damn, I should have clarified!!!

@Julian - my comment was meant it as in "open carry container" - with regards to alcohol!!!
The state of Missouri where I live, the house of AB/Budweiser, has traditionally been extremely liberal with regards to public consumption of alcoholic beverages. You are allowed, by law, to keep and open container of an alcoholic beverage in your car, while operating, which is kind of insane.

In you picture - you seem to be smirking and holding what appears to be a couple of cold ones...
My apologies if my comments were misunderstood!

I see...the view from the edge of the bay.
The Yamaha and the Beneteau.
Finally finished my chassis, and remarried the body on. Still a long way to go...

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Chilling on the river





Rainy weekend/week, so been building some cornhole boards.

One of many composting toilets on banks of the middle fork of the American River (the first Ive ever seen) and the first toilet I’ve been in with printed use instructions.
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I saw this just after opening the Blueberry field for picking the other day. No customers yet, I was quietly sitting in the truck, checking what was going on in this forum. And these guys walked towards me. Some were too full to remain standing. They are great because they pick up the "drops" from the ground and dont eat the fruit from the bushes like all the other birds do.
My wife out with the girls

41C0E29F-470A-48FE-B915-6355AF392428.jpeg and me out with my son and his boys at wake island cable park in pleasant grove, ca.
We did some time on the hamster wheels as well on the inflatable floating obstacle course but it was the two hours of wake and knee boarding that kicked our a$$e$. It’s a very belated bday outing for my so, cost a chunk of change and took all day including the 3 to 4 hours on the road but I’d do it all again at the drop of a hat.
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No, this is not me. This came across one of the sailing groups I am on. Obviously someone was not paying attention. Quiz...Who had the right of way before this happened?
Sailboat had the right of way.
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Saw this while out biking today.
Looks like they do good work for food, there must have been over 100 of them, no clue what it costs but it maybe the cheap way to maintain a defensible fire perimeter around a large property.

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Chicago Air & Water Show, waiting to lock through back out to the lake.
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Navy Pier at 7am!

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