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Thanks. I had to look up what Frac Sand is but I’m sure it was easier than looking up Big A$$ Dryer uses.
View attachment 113948

Yeap, thats the stuff. That Quartz sand is expensive and hard to come by. The system with the giant chain is a completely new concept I can't talk about yet. It's a big dang deal though since the customer expects an ROI on a $65mil system to be only a few months operation.

This is actually a pretty small dryer by comparison though. Maybe getting into medium sized. It's a 7' diameter x 34ft long. Did one last year that was 9.5' diameter and 55ft long. Largest one the company has done to date is 15' diameter x 120ft long. Had to be fabricated mostly on site!

Here is that one from last year. Picture taken from the top of a 150' storage silo. It was a 150hp unit with a gear drive and processed 200tph. It has a twin system sitting just beyond to the left. Dryer capacity is 400tph (nominal, we've seen upwards of 500tph when they are really pushing the machines) for the entire mine. You can see the river basin in the background where they are dredging the sand up. Really interesting process. Sand was selling for $80/ton when I was there. Not sure what it's going for now. Plant income was around $25k/hr or so after screening losses.

Here is that same dryer from the picture above on a trailer ready for transport. This should help with scale :D

Neighbor has bad back so i took their puppy on a walk today
Keeping skills sharp for the Zombie Apocalypse!axes.jpeg

Cleaning the garage today and just put our 'hawks in a new home, was thinking of pulling them out for the kids

@Ronnie Zipper had it right! It's an Atlatl. A friend of mine makes them and they fly much further than you'd expect. A great way to get in touch with your inner caveman. Last time we were launching them in the yard, a neighbor walked by asking if we were hunting Woolly Mammoth :)
@Ronnie Zipper had it right! It's an Atlatl. A friend of mine makes them and they fly much further than you'd expect. A great way to get in touch with your inner caveman. Last time we were launching them in the yard, a neighbor walked by asking if we were hunting Woolly Mammoth :)
Nice, you guys on the East Coast have some cool activities/hobbies/sports that we don’t seem to on the West Coast. I just noticed the axes in your first pic. When I was in NC 2 years ago axe throwing came up on yelp. I wanted to check it out but couldn’t, just too far away. Thanks for sharing something different.
What a difference 17 hours can make...

Yesterday, windows open, on the way back from working on the Beneteau.


This morning's temperature, I saw 18° a few minutes before.


But it makes for good maple sugaring weather though.
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Always enjoy a good zipzap video with bangers! That Scarab 255 gets its ass kicked pretty bad and center windshield folded in just like the Yamaha do when it gets too rough.

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Always enjoy a good zipzap video with bangers! That Scarab 255 gets its ass kicked pretty bad and center windshield folded in just like the Yamaha do when it gets too rough.

That chick at 7:44 took a shot to the head bad and probably got knocked out. Why any captain would let anyone ride in the bow in a rough inlet is an idiot. Bad shit can happen anytime that is uncontrollable but come on thats just ridiculous
Yea I think she got knocked out as well. There was another guy that got slammed pretty hard in the bow and never saw him get back up. I don't understand why people are so stupid to sit in the bow when it's rough like that. If I'm in waters that rough in a small boat I'd also be wearing a life jacket. You get tossed out in something like that if you don't get run over you could easily drown trying to swim in that.
My wife shattered a few vertebrae when we got launched while cruising down a river and a big Hatteras went by and she was in the bow and didn't hold on because she had 2 hands on her expensive camera.