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My wife shattered a few vertebrae when we got launched while cruising down a river and a big Hatteras went by and she was in the bow and didn't hold on because she had 2 hands on her expensive camera.
Was that when we all went from new bern to the lighthouse?
Cold morning in NW Vermont.


The town road crew has been cutting trees along our main road so they can open up the ditches. This Birch tree has sap that ran and froze over night.


Some here do collect and boil birch sap into syrup. Those icycles might be benificial. What Is Birch Water? Benefits and Downsides
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@buckbuck - this is about the point where I normally call it good, it's why I can't be trusted with improvement projects, @Betik

Yeah....I agree! What happens to me is I say....well let me just hook things up to see if it works....and when it does I go....ok....I'll clean it up later! LOL

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Hey it's st. Patrick's day, i actually forgot to get my t-shirt out, this was my cousin Steve's (RIP) Pub he named it after our grandfather

WOW! That was my old favorite bar in Evanston when I lived there in the late 80's early 90's! It's a small world!
Finished and stained my second and last bridge today. Came out strong and functional.
Pulled all my erosion mats and spread more seed. The 56 tons of topsoil and fill made a big difference on the slopes and banks of the creek. Came out great.
Yeah took almost a year till she was back to normal. Doctors decided not to fill the cracks in the vertebraes and let it heal on its own
Morning chores...good day for indoor boat projects and we have a few to work on.

Someone posted this video on FB and so far I'm digging this relaxing full length film called "Voyage". It's about a guy and some friends taking a boat from Knoxville, TN down to the Gulf. I'm only about 10 mins in so far but enjoying the quality and narration.

Not what I saw but what my Son when we went to watch the movie Onward on the night before the shelter in place order went into effect here in the SF Bay Area (California) last week. Ironically, right after my Son took these pics he sat right next too me, WTH?

I’d bet the other 24 theaters didn’t look any better.

The only other time I’d been in a similar situation was when i flew to Denver soon after 9/11. There were only four passengers on the plane (747 or 777) including my wife and I.
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I was about to buy two cleanout plug / manhole cover repair kits and was surprised to find they are about $60 each. It’s been years since I bought these items but remember them being a lot closer to $30 each, wow what a difference. I saw them on amazon for $55 plus free shipping but I’m back up to $60 after taxes.

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Someone posted this video on FB and so far I'm digging this relaxing full length film called "Voyage". It's about a guy and some friends taking a boat from Knoxville, TN down to the Gulf. I'm only about 10 mins in so far but enjoying the quality and narration.

Man, it's 2:32 am CST. Just finished watching the entire film. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for posting.....now to get some sleep. Lol
Someone posted this video on FB and so far I'm digging this relaxing full length film called "Voyage". It's about a guy and some friends taking a boat from Knoxville, TN down to the Gulf. I'm only about 10 mins in so far but enjoying the quality and narration.

That was awesome! I'd love to do something like that someday.

Just noticed this yesterday,
Texas blue bonnets are coming out, even saw a couple butter cups,

The joy of living in texas! (For the next 3-4 weeks at least)
That was awesome! I'd love to do something like that someday.
That sounds awesome!

Someone posted this video on FB and so far I'm digging this relaxing full length film called "Voyage". It's about a guy and some friends taking a boat from Knoxville, TN down to the Gulf. I'm only about 10 mins in so far but enjoying the quality and narration.

Thanks for sharing! Just watched the whole thing. Trip of a lifetime; for sure. Being able to disconnect and be one with nature...
I was about to buy two cleanout plug / manhole cover repair kits and was surprised to find they are about $60 each. It’s been years since I bought these items but remember them being a lot closer to $30 each, wow what a difference. I saw them on amazon for $55 plus free shipping but I’m back up to $60 after taxes.

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I purchased mine last July from Parker, paid $39,99 each

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