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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

The great swatskis’ migration has begun... lol.

We have way too much artwork.
I’m admiring guys crating stuff- they have mad skills!
Where will you call home next?
Strait there:

yes, we are excited! We missed the coast.

Wish it was a bit further south, maybe. but hey, we’ll be just across the river from Big Apple.
With beautiful Passaic River flowing in my backyard, lolol. I believe it is THE most polluted waterway in the nation.
just wait for my pics in the “Show me the strangest thing you ever caught in your jet pump” thread!!
Since the Sugarbush vacuum is 27" and mostly running itself during a run, I have some time to start some of the next projects on the old boat. Laying out the new cabin sole for the Beneteau. The existing sole had Teak/black mixed in with the original Mahogany/black marine plywood, and needed attention. Last Spring we purchased (2) 4' x 10' sheets of Cherry/Holly marine plywood from

but put this project on the back burner until now. Will be applying West Systems epoxy and Satin Epifanes 2-part polyurethane as I did with the cockpit teak. Just getting going on it.


Which ever PO who replaced the Mahogany panels with teak, didnot even use marine plywood, or seal it, to reinforce the underside of the panels that face the bilge 6" below.


Laying it out then I need to go buy a thin kerf 7-1/4" 60 tooth circular saw blade and a fine blade for the jigsaw.


6 more panels to layout as well as a few filler/trim pieces.
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Wo ist das Boot? Wird es so schön verpacht sein. ;)

Taking a chance you may know some Deutsch.

Forgotten most of what I knew. You don't use it, you lose it.
We may need to leave her behind...?
Temporarily, of course.
IDK. Crazy. I'm being very patient.


Tuesday night skeet league started,
A beautiful 75 degree evening
Update on the Snowman first seen here.


He survived the "Yellow Snow" incident, but after a sunny 60° day on Monday he ran down to the Lake to get ready for the boating season.


I took the JB.net flag down so it would not touch the ground.[flag]
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Yeah just a fun little word play but glad to hear you like my rack

I forgot to get a picture when I was knee deep in it,
I was giving the neighbors lawnmower a spring cleaning and it wouldn't start with the battery and the pull string was hard to pull,

The valve "lashes" need to be adjusted, it was very easy and unbelievable how .002" can make a difference,

Sunrise looking to the East, over Newark, NYC and Long Island.
Edited to add: This shot is from an iPhone 8, thru a heated airplane windshield, with no editing of any kind.
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@buckbuck - this is about the point where I normally call it good, it's why I can't be trusted with improvement projects, @Betik

that is how i feel about the bottom of your boat :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
which brings to a thought I had forgotten about,

When did keel guard become so expensive or am I just experiencing old man disease,

I checked and back in 2009 it cost me aprox $100. now it's $239 :oops:

anybody know of a less expensive place to buy ?
