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Not really what I see, but what my buddy saw yesterday. Me riding a wakeboard on the ocean in Ocho Rios Jamaica.

Boat is a 225hp, 4Stroke outboard powered MasterCraft NXT. Really amazed how quite and powerful the setup is. Wake was garbage, and the ocean was rough in general, but I can say I've done it now.
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Oh man, you're making me jealous! I lived in Ocho Rios for 3 months. I love that place! I never got to wakeboard there though... did you hike Duns River Falls or visit Dolphin Cove? Are you there for a while or just a cruise stop? It's crazy to think I haven't been back in 14 years...
Days like today, snowshoeing a few miles thru the woods, checking for vacuum leaks in a snow storm...


I really miss my boat shoes! :banghead:

Last weekend we went up to the U.P. for a belated Christmas Visit with my Mom.

Warm weather for the prior week meant it had melted quite a bit, but there was still a little snow in Calumet....



It wasn't quite as bad down by my Mom in Hubbell, but ya still can't leave this much snow on a roof at this time of year.

So out we went....

Good thing shovels have long handles. This is as close as I'm willing to get to a 2 story drop off the "high" side:

Of course, those two clowns inherited my distaste for heights, so after a little while, they couldn't take it any more. I get it believe me. Instead, they took turns with the roof rake as I loosened things up. That actually worked out pretty well.

A Job well done and a couple tired boys. (Dad was a bit winded as well. I haven't had to do that job in 30 years and I can see why.)
The good news is, Grandma pays well. (She's of that old-school mentality that refuses to accept ANY charity of ANY kind as long as she doesn't need it - there's a topic for a whole other thread - so telling her not to hand out money is not an option.)

By the end of the day, the sun had nearly finished the clean-up work:

We left for home the next day but Mom says that it was completely bare by the following evening.

In addition to a roof being cleaned, dripping faucets were repaired (hence the aforementioned drive to the hardware store in Calumet), Microsoft Windows Windows was updated, and a toilet seat was replaced.

We left for home around 5:00 Sunday morning. It's a bit of a haul from the house to the garage with luggage when you can't get up in the yard.

After a 6-hour drive and unpacking, I spent the afternoon sleeping on the couch. I then re-packed for my Monday Morning drive to Ohio for a business trip.

It's been a busy week and I'm glad to be home!
New addition to our family. Tiggly.
Oh man, you're making me jealous! I lived in Ocho Rios for 3 months. I love that place! I never got to wakeboard there though... did you hike Duns River Falls or visit Dolphin Cove? Are you there for a while or just a cruise stop? It's crazy to think I haven't been back in 14 years...
What lead to you living there for 3mo? Place seems pretty crazy from the little bit of time we spent outside the resort.

We did Dunn Rivers Falls, but didn't make it to Dolphin Cove. Wife's best friend turned 10 (40) on Feb 29th so 5 couples that have known each other for 20+yrs came down for a few days. Flew in on Wednesday last week, sitting in Montego Bay airport now. Spent all but the Dunn's River trip behind the gates at Couples Tower Isle. Seems like a nice place, we'll probably come back at some point. Not sure I would want to participate in the craziness outside a resort though.
What lead to you living there for 3mo? Place seems pretty crazy from the little bit of time we spent outside the resort.

We did Dunn Rivers Falls, but didn't make it to Dolphin Cove. Wife's best friend turned 10 (40) on Feb 29th so 5 couples that have known each other for 20+yrs came down for a few days. Flew in on Wednesday last week, sitting in Montego Bay airport now. Spent all but the Dunn's River trip behind the gates at Couples Tower Isle. Seems like a nice place, we'll probably come back at some point. Not sure I would want to participate in the craziness outside a resort though.
That's awesome way to celebrate! I know someone who just turned 12 (48) on Feb. 29.

I was in the country for 2 years as a missionary. I actually lived all over the island, including 3 months in Grand Cayman. We typically moved areas every 3-6 months. Ochi (Ocho Rios) was a favorite though. I still keep in touch with some folks there. It has supposedly changed a lot since I was there due to additional tourism. I honeymooned in Ochi back in 2005 and that's the last time I was there.

You're not wrong about the craziness... you step off the main drag and its another world. Not bad though, the people are incredibly nice and open. But you'll stick out and get called out for being a white boy for sure! It's a different experience being a missionary and not a tourist. We lived in the neighborhood and people recognized what we were about. I saw some crazy shit, but no one bothered us much other than the rude boys on the corner offering us weed, lol! It was one of the highlights of my life for sure.

If you ever have the opportunity to go back, I recommend Port Antonio or Negril. Beautiful areas.
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Youngest daughter's first time snow boarding, arrived at angel fire,nm early and let her get the hang of it walking up a small slope, tomorrow we take the lift!
Cooking on the Napoleon (boat grille) last night. Ran out of gas half way thru cooking dinner on our big grille. After that initial "Oh shit" moment I remembered we had a grille to finish cooking in the ship's locker/garage. That infrared cooks hot and quick even set at low-med. Dinner Saved.


I found them, mission accomplished I can stop looking for leaks for a while.


close enough to 27". If you have seen this thread/post... https://jetboaters.net/threads/maple-sap-syrup-thread.16586/#post-427039
You will know what I am looking at.

This is how 27" of vacuum moves sap in a repaired line during the run today. This is a half mile from the vacuum pump.

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Friday night fabrication on race car crap.


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Now that's strange. My 2010 Expedition does not have a guard to keep the drive shaft from flailing about.
Now that's strange. My 2010 Expedition does not have a guard to keep the drive shaft from flailing about.

When you stick too much power in them, they like to break those things. Lol