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Show us what you see!!!

Dog walks during deer rifle season on our farm property. We all wear blaze orange. I've gotten used to the color over the years with an orange boat, orange tractor, orange chain and brush saws and an orange thin kerf band sawmill. Keeping them safe.


They always find a stick at the wood pile.

My wife snapped this picture yesterday morning (11/14). Took the dogs to the sandbar.

Me with our 6 dogs!!!
Is that a tree up before Thanksgiving? ;)
First it was a mission for food, now it's convenience

Is that a tree up before Thanksgiving? ;)

With the way 2020 is going we thought it's never to early to get a reminder of joy in our daily lives
Noticed a slight exhaust tick while driving the truck lately. Serviced it last weekend and found an exhaust manifold bolt head missing.....yay? Picked up a new bolt at the dealership and started working on it when I got home from work today. Tried a screw extractor that, well, broke off in the stud?. Now I had no choice but to remove the manifold. After it was removed there was about 1/2” of the stud sticking out from the head?, awesome!! Heated around the area and put a pair of vice-grips on it and started working it back and forth annnnnnd SNAP!!!!!! It broke off flush with the head???. With a flush spot again I tried drilling it out and using an extractor again with no luck so the only other option is to drill & tap it for the new bolt. Drilling & tapping went smooth, manifold is back on, no ticking and all put back together after just under 2hrs. All of that for a $4.98 bolt E99FC566-3A80-4A2C-91AE-DA6ED90F6095.jpeg59861243-8853-42B1-ACBE-FC4BE0F63955.jpegD0FBA15C-4C94-400B-B365-93C35EA65850.jpegCD415FA5-8FFC-4603-BC44-09DC08BECD0D.jpegFC92964C-F0F0-4633-833E-0CACE07AC94F.jpegD2A3C866-B809-4127-8F0D-459A460083A1.jpeg
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the absolute beauty of those peer-reviewed operations is - you can not afford to make wrong claim though, if you do - you are done.
You can still make money, go into politics, lol, but no one in the field will ever take you seriously. That's what keeps everyone honest, nothing else needed...
Why, what do you mean? ?
Noticed a slight exhaust tick while driving the truck lately. Serviced it last weekend and found an exhaust manifold bolt head missing.....yay? Picked up a new bolt at the dealership and started working on it when I got home from work today. Tried a screw extractor that, well, broke off in the stud?. Now I had no choice but to remove the manifold. After it was removed there was about 1/2” of the stud sticking out from the head?, awesome!! Heated around the area and put a pair of vice-grips on it and started working it back and forth annnnnnd SNAP!!!!!! It broke off flush with the head???. With a flush spot again I tried drilling it out and using an extractor again with no luck so the only other option is to drill & tap it for the new bolt. Drilling & tapping went smooth, manifold is back on, no ticking and all put back together after just under 2hrs. All of that for a $4.98 bolt View attachment 137190View attachment 137191View attachment 137192View attachment 137193View attachment 137194View attachment 137195
Man, must feel good to be able to just... do it all! In two hours, no less.
Most of us here would be out a truck for a week, and a couple of grand poorer, lol. And I'm speaking for myself, of course.

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***** FROM THE FAR SIDE *****

...As Mr and Mrs Swatski passed a stretch of Newark Bay, New Jersey....


...Mr Swatski suddenly realized the place looked eerily familiar...


...and then... he had a strange sense of dejavu...


...but it was much later as he was sitting at home he finally realized that indeed, he had seen the place before!


***** FROM THE FAR SIDE *****

...As Mr and Mrs Swatski passed a stretch of Newark Bay, New Jersey....

View attachment 137199

...Mr Swatski suddenly realized the place looked eerily familiar...

View attachment 137200

...and then... he had a strange sense of dejavu...

View attachment 137197

...but it was much later as he was sitting at home he finally realized that indeed, he had seen the place before!

View attachment 137198


Just saw this post and went to look for my vinyl copy for the artwork, but I could only find the CD. The 8-track got wrapped up in the player years ago.


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Finished up these cute little fireplace built-ins this week
tell me about that fire pit! Is it gas? Can you burn logs in it?
It's a wood burning fire pit, not gas. Called a Solo Stove Yukon firepit and it rocks! Bought it earlier this year and have sold more people on getting their own after sitting around ours. Low smoke, gets nice and warm, awesome flames, looks cool... Only complaint is it eats firewood fast because the way air flows thru it so well. Not cheap for a firepit, but can't imagine we'd buy another as well as this is made (all stainless).
Check them out here: solostove.com
If you (or anyone here) wants a referral code for a sm. discount (only $15) just let me know.