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Show us what you see!!!

WOW ........... Now THAT photo makes me really jealous. LOVE shrimp on the Barbie.
And they looked really large and fresh !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice photo, @Bruce !
WOW ........... Now THAT photo makes me really jealous. LOVE shrimp on the Barbie.
And they looked really large and fresh !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice photo, @Bruce !

Jumbo shrimp straight from the boat and $4.50 a pound.
Got on the water yesterday afternoon for a few hours to enjoy a beautiful Alabama sunset.

Time to go!!!

This is what I saw yesterday at 6am. We left the dock at 2:30 am and headed to the deep water range 50 miles offshore (4 hour transit). Towed that sucker for over 16 hours straight. Pretty reliable prototype. Got home at 2am this morning. Why is the whole house rocking?

We do all testing of this helicopter towed system on ships to save cost and allow long missions.

6am launch.jpg
I would say Submarine or underwater mine sonar
What is it? Some sort of sonar thing?
AN/AQS-24 (new B version) It's a helicopter towed minehunting sonar capable of mine ID via a laser package. Towed via the MH53E helicopter.


She's a huge bird. We carry more fuel than a H60 Blackhawk weighs.

Been at Vidcon for 3 days now with my teenage daughter and friend.
Just finished up our second awesome day on Broken Bow in Oklahoma. This is the view from our room at the Lodge. The only lodging on the lake.1437869209609421885585.jpg
Spent all day in football official clinic. Any other officials on the forum????image.jpg
Spent all day in football official clinic. Any other officials on the forum????View attachment 26083

Football (high school and semi pro) and Basketball (high school and women's college). We are one week away from our first association meeting of the year.