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Show us what you see!!!

View from our bedroom at Crystal Lake, Michigan.image.jpg
From my 50th birthday party last night...

Ya know .......... we'all hate it when it gets to 100 degrees or higher.
But Emerald Zoysia (grass) LOVES it.
And subsequently, so do I !
Y'all play nicely out there in the sand box, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
ZOYSIA - 7-27-2015C.jpg
From my 50th birthday party last night...

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Awesome, what are you drinking....knob creek? Can't tell.

You don't look a day over 49. Hope you've recovered.....It takes me a couple days after a good party.
Ya know .......... we'all hate it when it gets to 100 degrees or higher.
But Emerald Zoysia (grass) LOVES it.
And subsequently, so do I !
Y'all play nicely out there in the sand box, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
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I Love your yard... I hope to move onto the water in a couple years...
I Love your yard... I hope to move onto the water in a couple years...
Thanks for your very kind remarks.
Wishing you a fast path to your dreams.
My Best to you, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
44 articles to read over the next week and half as I prepare for strategy meetings. This seems like as good a spot as any...
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The new family project. I drug my feet as long as I could but it is going well so far.......

The new family project. I drug my feet as long as I could but it is going well so far.......

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Nice....I had a 75 Gallon Salt water tank for 15 years....packed it in when we moved to NC. I plumbed it into the basement and built my own filtration system with PVC and utility sinks.
Nice....I had a 75 Gallon Salt water tank for 15 years....packed it in when we moved to NC. I plumbed it into the basement and built my own filtration system with PVC and utility sinks.

This is a 65. It was the largest tank that would fit into the chosen space. Our cabinet guy will build a stand that will match our cabinets after he clears his three month backlog. We may incorporate a smaller tank and filtration system into the bottom of the stand.

Salt water is a new game for us. We are still cycling the tank. We bought some live rock that had been used in another aquarium and already has coral growing on it.
Here is a closer view of our used rocks.

NICE....buy snails...lots of snails.....I set up a 125 tank at work (with donated money, not mine) years ago and it was awesome until a hurricane killed the power for a few days. Make sure you have backup systems. I had probably 5K in that tank.

I bought a LOT of stuff here. http://www.liveaquaria.com/ An anemone and a clown fish should be your first addition, the kids will love it.
@Rana and @Emma have a red parrot fish that they have named Love picked out for the first fish. Gavin has a pair of clown fish and an anemone in mind for the next occupants.
Here is a closer view of our used rocks.

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I'm certain that I am the only one that see's this... but does it not look like captain America of the avengers is getting a piggy-back ride from Groot of guardians of the galaxy in the back center there?
I'm certain that I am the only one that see's this... but does it not look like captain America of the avengers is getting a piggy-back ride from Groot of guardians of the galaxy in the back center there?
You're not right.
Wait...ya...I see it too.
Big Shasta, you just need to let your mind wander a bit and it will come to you.
Lake Shelbyville 8 of 35 boats present so far!
@Rana and @Emma have a red parrot fish that they have named Love picked out for the first fish
Not familiar with a "Red" parrot fish...but know that in general Parrot fish eat corral...and as such are typically not compatible with corral tanks....you'll have to choose which way you want to go (and always ask that question).