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Show us what you see!!!

On the Mississippi. .. .20150716_113941.jpg
There's no "hook-up" available ....... But you are welcome to simply stay with us. !
Lots of room and some pretty good food, if I do say so myself.
All ya gotta do is show up !
Take Care ... It would bee great to meet ya ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA

Right, that's Georgia sorted, only another 50 offers to get and we're off! ;):D.
@RightStuff .......... Incredibly great choice in tubes.

Our most fav .... and that of most kids !

Enjoy, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
Kicked my cordless off the dock last weekend. It was late dusk.....which is when the lake becomes haunted....so couldnt go after it. This is my punishment....
I need to take my tools to the dock! I like the way you think.
@0627Devildog , was just there last weekend for my Wife's high school reunion. Hope you are having a good time.
0% chance of rain today... Made it in just in time! image.jpg
Uncrating 20150718_133411.jpgmy new toy earlier...
I wanna get into @veedubtek's will ................ LOL !
Took the boat into DC for a Nationals game yesterday.image.jpgimage.jpg
What we look like from the air. . . . .

Okay, I'm obviously mot very good at the "show" part of "show us what you see," but today I saw a Stingray Corvette towing a boat. Didn't think to take a picture until we were three hours away and then slapped my forehead!:banghead:
Okay, I'm obviously mot very good at the "show" part of "show us what you see," but today I saw a Stingray Corvette towing a boat. Didn't think to take a picture until we were three hours away and then slapped my forehead!:banghead:
Something like this?

or more like this.....

Breaks the rules as I didn't take these....but had to fill in the mental gap that @Scuba_ref left in my poor addled head! LOL
My neighbor had that exact same red corvette boat
We ran out of shrimp just before Bimini so we had to restock.
