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Our home lake is 21' above summer pool, and it's raining again. I know exactly how you Texas guys feel.

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WOW....Start shipping that stuff to Cali....the nuts are getting roasted!
Most of Texas has finally gotten into the normal summer weather pattern of little to no rain and hot temperatures. It supposed to finally hit 100 this week for the first time this summer. However, the two lakes that we like to go to and are familiar with are still well over normal pool and flooded. One is 12' over and the other is around 20' over full pool. We ventured to a lake this weekend that we've never been on that was slightly below full pool and was fine. A little choppy and not our normal comfort zone, but still a good day.
My free GoPro sticker swag arrived in the mail today! Pretty cool there is still a company that will send you something for nothing. I included the link below for anyone who wants some.


Everyone has their judge of real beauty.
Like @Geoff Cooper ........ LOL ~!
Besides my Bride, Barbie, this <below> is what floats my Boat (no pun intended).
After cutting and edging for about 5 hours in 100 degree temps yesterday afternoon (2 til 7+ pm), here's the result.
Oh yeah ... Sure made for a GREAT day @ Weight Watchers this am ........... LOL !
Best Wishes to all ....... Felt it was "necessary" to share this Joy with y'all !
Mikey Lulejian - Out on beautiful Lake Oconee, GA

July 13, 2015 Home - sm -1 .jpg
It's not quite summer without a 311 show!

Got to tinker with all my toys this evening

Everyone has their judge of real beauty.
Like @Geoff Cooper ........ LOL ~!
Besides my Bride, Barbie, this <below> is what floats my Boat (no pun intended).
After cutting and edging for about 5 hours in 100 degree temps yesterday afternoon (2 til 7+ pm), here's the result.
Oh yeah ... Sure made for a GREAT day @ Weight Watchers this am ........... LOL !
Best Wishes to all ....... Felt it was "necessary" to share this Joy with y'all !
Mikey Lulejian - Out on beautiful Lake Oconee, GA

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Lovely job Mikey, It brings back memories of when i was in England doing the same to 1 Acre of garden at my house i spent hours cutting and trimming and it looked beautiful, Then i moved to Thailand and it changed my life i didn't have to spend hours every week manicuring my garden, I could spend more time in the Boat and relaxing in a different way, I was probably your age when i was doing the same it was a never ending job but it always looked good but after a while i realized i was spending half my life keeping it looking lovely and really the only person who really appreciated my efforts was me as my family had all grown up and fled the nest, But hey that was me you have made a great job keep up the good work.
Tubing yesterday
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Looks like fun @itsdgm ... did you get Tom Selleck to fill that lake with some of "his" water?? :cool:
Everyone has their judge of real beauty.
Like @Geoff Cooper ........ LOL ~!
Besides my Bride, Barbie, this <below> is what floats my Boat (no pun intended).
After cutting and edging for about 5 hours in 100 degree temps yesterday afternoon (2 til 7+ pm), here's the result.
Oh yeah ... Sure made for a GREAT day @ Weight Watchers this am ........... LOL !
Best Wishes to all ....... Felt it was "necessary" to share this Joy with y'all !
Mikey Lulejian - Out on beautiful Lake Oconee, GA

View attachment 25524

What beauty and pleasure to behold @MikeyL you sure do live in a stunning location. My bride and I are planning to do an American road trip in a few years, so you may get a visit (is there a hook up on the lawn for the RV ;):p:D).
No boating this weekend. . . . . Bound for NOLA.

What beauty and pleasure to behold @MikeyL you sure do live in a stunning location. My bride and I are planning to do an American road trip in a few years, so you may get a visit (is there a hook up on the lawn for the RV ;):p:D).
There's no "hook-up" available ....... But you are welcome to simply stay with us. !
Lots of room and some pretty good food, if I do say so myself.
All ya gotta do is show up !
Take Care ... It would bee great to meet ya ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
On the contrary, I think you will be pleased how well they fold up as long as you take the time to get all the air out.