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@Bruce Thanks for the idea, Huge hit. They were awesome.

@Julian ... we started to go out today but the radar didn't look good at all... hopefully either Monday or Tuesday afternoon we will go..
We pulled out the camper cover, stayed dry, and then went back to wake boarding. Caitlin Wakeboarded for the first time today and loved it....need to get pics and video from my niece.
Ugh, rolled my left ankle on a tree root yesterday. I was wearing Merrell hiking boots but they were low tops not the up the ankle kind. Don't know if that hurt or helped. I can walk on it but that beeotch is tender when it moves certain ways. Ice and elevation didn't do much....of course that was 5 hours later after work.

Too much work to do for any down time....gotta suck it up. Starting a 5 week test of new hardware on Friday. Going to be out in the Gulf of Mexico every day. At least I sit behind a console all day.


Yeah, I have gross feet, a sandal tan, cankles...... Make fun as you wish, I have thick skin.
Oh man, get some ice on that! Looks like it hurts.
Helping pops build a deck. In the rain! image.jpg
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Our home lake is 21' above summer pool, and it's raining again. I know exactly how you Texas guys feel.

Incredible, Scot. Simply incredible. We have had our overload here as well.
Let's hope for a DRY weekend for y'all !
Many Best Wishes your way, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA