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Lunch is ready

Do ya need anything else ?
Wut can we bring ?
I think this may be @Seadeals on lake Jocassa View attachment 24392
@Boat Crazy very close but that one isn't us- I forgot my hat and different stripes; but we were there today! The weather was absolutely perfect. Kudos to my wife for commenting on a sun umbrella for the swim platform. I finally bought one and mounted in an extra table tube with a noodle. It was great to have the extra shade and easy to stow away.
The girls also enjoyed the falls.
Especially when I thought they could use a little help washing the deck!
Got home from my referee camp to this and a mandatory evacuation. The fire was moving at a rate of 15 mph. Our house is the red circle in the picture. In preparing to evacuate the first thing I did was hook the boat up to the truck. My second oldest daughter, bless her heart, grabbed her cat and then both her's and my scuba gear!!!

Wenatchee Fire2.jpg
Wow, that is insane. Any word yet if your house was spared?
I'm sitting at the computer in my basement right now. They threw everything at the line of fire the was coming up over the hill into the subdivision above my house (they lost up to 12 homes). The fire you see in the bottom middle of the picture was a furniture store/fruit cold storage/packaging area - not sure how that one started but is obviously added stress to the whole situation (my office is near there, haven't been in to check on that yet). There were plenty of explosions as the ammonia tanks for keeping fruit in cold storage were blowing up. We are now down to a level 2 evacuation at my home which means be prepared to leave.

PS it smells like we were smoking but I can't find any tasty meat!
Wow - best of luck to you. Stay safe!
Wow! Be careful, @Stefan Fromm ! Don't be a hero. "Things" can be replaced, loved ones (including you) cannot.

Best wishes for a positive outcome.
It appears that the fire is out. There was a lot of damage (24 homes lost) in the neighborhood up the hill as they front the foothills. They also have doused the industrial fire and so now people are in recovery mode. It is amazing to watch the mobilization of resources and I sure do appreciate the men and women that put it all on the line to to protect life an property from events like this.
Damn, 24 homes is a lot of homeless folks. Thoughts and prayers for your community and the emergency folks.