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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

Started to hit the like button until I saw that Eagle!!!! Dude??? Your in Dallas!
Been in Texas over 20 years but was born in Philly. Once an Eagle always an Eagle! Plus Jerry....Romo.....Dez???!!! Come on.
Quick test to determine if a person grew up in Michigan:


If eyes dilated and strong salivary response presented, subject is from Michigan
Shiner Blonde. Counting the minutes to when I can pour a glass.
I've been enjoying Shiners summer brew of Prickly Pear while vacationing in Florida the past two weeks. It's a little fruity and not too heavy to enjoy in the heat sitting on the beach. Time to head home tomorrow and it's not because I'm out of Shiner.:(
Just hanging out by the pool with Jetboaters.net shirt and koozie
Quick test to determine if a person grew up in Michigan:
View attachment 24296
If eyes dilated and strong salivary response presented, subject is from Michigan
I TOTALLY disagree .............
You do not have to be from Michigan to know this is a Blessing from our Lord, and the BEST ginger ale ever to be conceived ~
Best Wishes, Mikey Lulejian - Stirrin' up trouble agin' from Lake Oconee, GA
Just hanging out by the pool with Jetboaters.net shirt and koozie
With a pool THAT pretty, why aren't ya swimming, instead of posing like a some new Playboy model ?

And THIS reminds me .........I am jumpin' on a SeaDoo .. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
My daughter taking the "new to us" 97 GTX out for the first weekend. image.jpg
Day at the trackimage.jpg
Brought her home new last Wednesday, already got the grill cover/push bars, air deflector, flaps, etc configured.


In my opinion. The best contestant at the pinup contest today.

HAD to share this .............
"TYPICAL" Lake Oconee sunset (yesterday).

A typical lke oconee sunset - SM.jpg
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