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The kids are excited about the first watermelon in their new garden. Hopefully it will be ready when we get home from Bimini.
Vacation in the Ozarks...dinner at Top of the Rock
Wow! Finally a course designed just for me! I end up in the sand regardless, so why not try to even the odds.
This is what my son see's... Dad finally getting a chance to relax with a book and a coffee on the boat. image.jpg
Sometimes I really hate deer. :(

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That sucks....When I lived in PA, I hit one or 2 a year it seemed. Even had one run into the side of my vehicle once. Did you at least kill it and get to take it to the processor? I do love me some venison sausage. That was my payback.
Yeah, I killed it. I didn't keep it though. I was on my way to work the other night when it happened. So I didn't see where it was till later the next day. I'm not sure how good it would have been after laying there so long.
That sucks....It's at least a little consolation prize if you get some meat in the freezer but yeah, it has to be fresh. In PA the game warden had to get the head and hide from the processor and he would let you at least not waste the meat.
image.jpg Who knew unpacking would be so much fun?!....for the kids.
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Wife and I ... just chillin' :D
Oh... and before the previous post... In New Delhi for business at a little restaurant called "Rosang" ... specializing in NE Indian cuisine. It was fantastic, highly recommend!
2015-06-14 20.48.31.jpg
image.jpg July 4th checkers.
This is Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones' jet after it landed in Destin. He has a house here.

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