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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

Hot Air Balloon festival at Indianola Iowa.
Twins Mariners game


Glad we stayed for the bottom of the ninth rally and win!
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Yes!!!! I got tix for the show in 2 weeks in Denver! Me and some buddies are flying from Dallas just for this show.

Dave Grohl never disappointments. You would have never known that he had a broken leg the way that he played. I bought these tix back in Nov, so it was a long 8 months to wait, but worth it.

Hope you enjoy the show as much as we did.
Dave Grohl never disappointments. You would have never known that he had a broken leg the way that he played. I bought these tix back in Nov, so it was a long 8 months to wait, but worth it.

Hope you enjoy the show as much as we did.
Dave is a good person to follow on FaceBook, seems like a really good guy.
Finally got to use my Father's day present today.....


And the sunset after dinner....
So what time's dinner tomorrow night ?
101 Degrees yesterday. We still did get in our 6.4 mile walk in the am. Gotta love those W.W. weigh-in Tuesdays (LOL !@)
So last night it was time for CHARRING & SCARRING !
Dinner was FANTASTIC !! Chicken & Grilled/Charrred veggies !!!!!!!!!!!!!
It doesn't get much better than this. EXTREMELY Tender and Charred, all at the same time !

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Ouch! Rest up my friend ...... boating season will be back before you know it.
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Not today, but from this past weekend. This boy LOVES being on the water! The sunscreen that his mom puts on his head makes for some interesting wind-blown hair.

john on the boat.jpg
I think I want 1 of these ..... The GOCYCLE

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The three major features of this bike that have caught peoples attention.

1. Three color options: The Gocycle comes in “so white” (above), gunmetal gray and stealth black. Maximum rider weight, including bags, is 250 pounds.  

2. Fast folding: With practice, most users can fold or unfold the Gocycle in about five minutes.  

3. Add the app: The Gocycle Connect app lets riders program driving modes for a gentle ride or a serious workout. The app also tracks the battery-charge status via smartphone.