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Anyone watching????image.jpg
Georgia schools: Keep making us proud. Thud.

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"Train" at our private company party.20150807_214351.jpg
Walking a 10k course we are running next weekend and saw a lot of things in San Jose that I never noticed before.


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Our annual outing. Success! Cheers. image.jpg
Trailered the boat over to Cape San Blas, Florida. First time here. Neat place. However the bottom fell out right after this pic. One of the worse storms I've driven through. Towing the boat didn't help.

At 11 this morning I was waiting for my daughter to finish getting ready so we can take her car to the auto hobby shop on base and change the oil and rotate the tires. Of course, she'd rather I just went and took care of it for her. NO DEAL.

She finished with her make-up and then spent 30 minutes doing her hair...LOL. I wanted to go at 8 when they opened.

She did really good. We had to replace the inner fender liner because it came loose for some reason and was rubbing the tire. I had to cut a chunk of it off on the side of the road a few months ago. She did some of the wrenching even. She loved the impact gun for rotating the tires, took all the lugs off and put them back on. (using a torque stick). I know I know, not the best way. She put the oil back in and checked it to be sure it was full.

She didn't complain once or check her phone at all and even said it was interesting to help with when we got done. Maybe she isn't a completely insane (normal) female after all.

She wouldn't wear the safety glasses for the picture.

Too bad thats a no wake zone! That is just begging for WOT!!!

Just noticed the speakers --- who makes them?
@Murf'n'surf Oh no, thats not a no wake zone. That creek is about 80ft deep. I was grabbing a drink, and taking a pic. Usually Im flying doing over 65mph through there.

The speakers and mounts fit into the rear view mirrors. The company is called Soggy Dog Audio. I also have a Kicker bluetooth amp, and a second 200watt Kicker with an 8" subwoofer.