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Show us what you see!!!

One month from archery season....

My friend and I have been hunting these guys for awhile. There is one more that is the mac-daddy that I have only seen once in 6 years, but he's still on the property somewhere.
Not my boat, but I guess they'll be waiting for the tide to come back in before heading home. (Cape Cod)
My daughters high school volleyball team photo. Man they grow up fast!!!image.jpg
A week after ACL Surgery. The knee has had zero pain since surgery it's everything else that hurts. It's crazy how fast your muscles will disappear. Swelling is down about 50% and the staples come out today.

Back of my knee
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I had my ACL replaced 5/18. Never had any swelling, or bruising and was well ahead of schedule with PT for the first 8 weeks. The last 3 have been a little rough but I guess I'm over doing it a little.
Been there done that...the most memorable statement the physical therapist said to me when I told her that I thought my knee was bending really good. Her response, "oh, sweetheart, the bending will be the easy part...straightening it out is where the fun will start!!" She was right!! Good luck @Helipilot11 with that rehab!! ;)
WOW, @Britboater.
That is a KEWL shot. May we ask where it is ?
So pretty !
My place of work @MikeyL , Abersoch on the Llyn peninsula, Cardigan bay, North West wales.
Bear Grylls has an island just a mile off shore where he's in residence ATM.
I had my ACL replaced 5/18. Never had any swelling, or bruising and was well ahead of schedule with PT for the first 8 weeks. The last 3 have been a little rough but I guess I'm over doing it a little.
Amen to that! I did the terrible triad. MCL, ACL, Meniscus all in one dirt bike wreck. My favorite part of "physical torture" was always the ice pack with the blow up compression boot at the end! Wow ice packs never felt so good!!!! You will start feeling great in about another 2 weeks, almost like it never was injured, but listen to your Doc. You are not fully healed until 6 months at the minimum.
@Murf'n'surf Oh no, thats not a no wake zone. That creek is about 80ft deep. I was grabbing a drink, and taking a pic. Usually Im flying doing over 65mph through there.

The speakers and mounts fit into the rear view mirrors. The company is called Soggy Dog Audio. I also have a Kicker bluetooth amp, and a second 200watt Kicker with an 8" subwoofer.

Hold the phone. Replaceing mirrors with speakers!!?!?!? Replaceing useless mirrors with high use speakers!!!! What do you use/locate your head unit!?!? This just may replace my next rifle on the priority list!!!

Damn you for spending my money!!!!!

Pure Michigan!
