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Took the family to SAMs for some back to school lunch box items today. They found new rides for our driveway.


30 minutes ago^
snails snails snails...Nip that algae in the butt before it gets out of hand. Start with just a half dozen or so and add them 6 at a time if they can't keep up. (Yeah, Algae was my nemesis.)
Mmmmmm....Just tested my Orange Cream Ale. Good good good........Could have used a bit more orange zest and needs one more day of force carbonation. Gotta love homebrew though.

Spent the day in the ravine cutting up a tree that came down in a storm a month ago....then spent some time splitting wood....it was a logging kind of day!

Thank for the log splitter!!!!
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Should have enough wood for a couple more years!

This stuff is a PITA to get out of the ravine....but good exercise!
First time on Richland Chambers reservoir in Corsicana, TX. Pretty lake and a beautiful day out.
1439667879319-1890470570.jpg 1439667939694-2082157427.jpg This is one of the few lakes around that has houses and allows boat house/private docks.
Busy day today. Saw this sticker and personal plate (not sure what it means) in a Mini Cooper driven by a cop working the frozen yogurt fun run in San Jose, ca. Spotted this little bucket while at lunch nearby.

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@Big Shasta , lol . I was thinking the same thing at first but the froyo run is not a small thing. They close down a few freeway off ramps and streets in San Jose, ca (just found out it is the tenth largest city by population in the u.S.). So it wasn't just one cop it was over dozen. The only reason I know the Mini Cooper belonged to a cop is that it was parked next to a crowd of them gathered to plan who is doing what for the event, when they dispersed one of them jumped in the mini and drove off. As far as I could tell they were traffic detail at all of the closed off intersections. at $40 per runner with several thousand runners I'm at least confident that it wasn't covered by our tax dollars.

I agree with you on the mirrors on the 458 italia, for Over $300,000 (my estimate) I think they could have done better. At least as well as the Lamborghini roadster I saw earlier in the day but couldn't get a pic of.

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@Ronnie , the sticker means f**k it!

I totally agree that those mirrors are really ugly. It's proof that money can't buy taste.
@Ronnie ...makes sense for management of an event like that, I just immediately thought of a rowdy crowd, I bet it was just the opposite!