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Bought a new couch.....test drove it in the store and it was great....now not so sure it is tall enough for me to nap in.....will have to test it.....LOL

A late but great start! Cheers. Only turn 35 once.

My 10 yr old daughter got up on skis for the first time today. Even though I was driving, I managed to snap a quick photo before her run ended with a splash. Note the phone cam focused on the jetboaters.net flag and not her! :):D:p

Well Happy birthday to him. I think his is the only party we didn't attend today....
My 10 yr old daughter got up on skis for the first time today. Even though I was driving, I managed to snap a quick photo before her run ended with a splash. Note the phone cam focused on the jetboaters.net flag and not her! :):D:p

View attachment 27888
Awesome....Are those the trainer skis that are attached together? I wish I would have had those for my kids to learn on.
Awesome....Are those the trainer skis that are attached together? I wish I would have had those for my kids to learn on.

Yes. Huge improvement over the old days of "hit it!", pop up, splits, face plant. Helps them both gain confidence and get a feel for it.
My daughters college roommate apparently likes to recycle. Glad she labeled it, Getting the wrong container could be BAD!


She is also a serious gamer. This is her dorm room computer. When she saw Katie's laptop, she said "That's all you've got" LOL. Technology Shamed!

World of Warcraft folks will get the bulletin board warning...I had to google it.



My daughter that is was hilarious that she called a walmart trip "Shopping" (Spending Shamed!) They are worlds apart. Katie says she is really nice. She has her pilots license and is going to major in Aeronautical Engineering. She's just at UWF for the prereqs.
Saw this new gopro mount for the first time today and laughed out loud. I will feel like an ass if I ever end up buying one for myself.
Maybe for the wife? I'm kidding .
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Sunset shot over Saylorville, just north of Des Moines, IA.
Saw this new gopro mount for the first time today and laughed out loud. I will feel like an ass if I ever end up buying one for myself.
View attachment 27997
Maybe for the wife? I'm kidding .
LOL...Wow...interesting product. I bet your jaw feels like you just ate an entire bag of cornnuts after about 10 minutes.