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Good luck to all you Floridians!! Hopefully it will loose a little steam before making landfall.
It's August still right??? Hopefully fall isn't here to stay! Cheers on this wonderful lazy Friday night.

Now that I have the East coast assets secure, the storm is coming up the West coast! Back to work I go.....

It's August still right??? Hopefully fall isn't here to stay! Cheers on this wonderful lazy Friday night.

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Nooooooooo! :eek:
I am usually the 1st to buy the Spring Ale - and also very excited for the various Summer Ales.
But I absolutely REFUSE to buy any Oktoberfest till it's October.
It's August still right??? Hopefully fall isn't here to stay! Cheers on this wonderful lazy Friday night.

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I need to take a pic this weekend, but I bought my first 12pk of Shiner Octoberfest last weekend. Shiner is a Texas beer in case you didn't know. It's my all time favorite brew! If you wait till October to buy it you wouldn't be able to find because it'll be all gone. Ask me how I know.
I need to take a pic this weekend, but I bought my first 12pk of Shiner Octoberfest last weekend. Shiner is a Texas beer in case you didn't know. It's my all time favorite brew! If you wait till October to buy it you wouldn't be able to find because it'll be all gone. Ask me how I know.
The shiner cheer is my favorite part of winter!
Nooooooooo! :eek:
I am usually the 1st to buy the Spring Ale - and also very excited for the various Summer Ales.
But I absolutely REFUSE to buy any Oktoberfest till it's October.

Does it count if the Octoberfest is from last fall? Just found one in the back of the beer fridge... :confused:
Does it count if the Octoberfest is from last fall? Just found one in the back of the beer fridge... :confused:
I'm enjoying one Surly Furious from our beer trade right now. Tasty!
I didn't know that. Cool!
My son just earned his jr. Black belt. He was testing for it most of the weekend (5 hours on Friday night and 6 more on Saturday, which is nothing compared to the 5 or 6 years it took to get to this point). Surprisingly, it was an emotional experience for everyone involved, even me. I'm very proud of my son.

The crew (candidates and instructors)
Just the candidates (my kid is front and center)
My son crossing the finish line on the last task, running 5 miles within an hour. He finished first with a time of 45 minutes. I thought he was dogging it since he usually runs it in 30 to 35 minutes but was reminded that the run came after two days of testing which included lots of repetitive excercises, forms and sparring.
We sacrificed most of this summer's boating for this and agree, in retrospect, that it was worth it. When asked if we were coming to the related picnic today my son immediately responded, "No, we are going jetskiing." Like I stated earlier, I'm very proud of my boy.
Any guesses what's in the smoker today?