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Tell me about it @Murf'n'surf my company's stock has gone down over $6 this week... for no good reason at all.
BUY!! BUY!! BUY!!!
@Murf'n'surf Funny... Well, no its not... I was looking at investments and how everything tanked and then we filled up at Costco for $1.81 / Gal. and my wife says "At least gas is cheap".
BUY!! BUY!! BUY!!!
That's what I'm saying! To me, FB, AAPL, WMT, and many others just went "on sale". I dumped FB and AAPL months ago, now I get to buy them again on sale and ride the wave up again!
Ouch! And on National Dog Day...
Somebody didn't like that cat door!! Guess it's a dog door now! They don't make doors like they used to.
Oh boy...A Puppy or young dog? One word...KENNEL.
3 years old now. Before he was one he chewed his way out of the kennel and through a wall. I thought he had out-grown this... one of the cats must have really pissed him off then tried to hide in the basement. The cats are still here so I guess he wore himself out.
Speaking of besties! This is our 90lb English Lab. This is him as he got caught chewing on a shoe. The look of guilt is quite obvious. His name is Owen, but also answers to Dumb Dumb. image.jpg
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Speaking of besties! This is our 90lb English Lab. This is him as he got caught chewing on a shoe. The look of guilt is quite obvious. His name is Owen, but also answers to Dumb Dumb.
ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what I see! Ugh..... off to Miami to prep the yacht for a hurricane.
Yeah, I hear ya. I have to be in Sarasota this weekend, then I get to come home just in time to see how bad it's going to be. I might just pull in, hook up the boat and tow it right back inland depending on the severity.