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Show us what you see!!!

At 11 this morning I was waiting for my daughter to finish getting ready so we can take her car to the auto hobby shop on base and change the oil and rotate the tires. Of course, she'd rather I just went and took care of it for her. NO DEAL.

She finished with her make-up and then spent 30 minutes doing her hair...LOL. I wanted to go at 8 when they opened.

She did really good. We had to replace the inner fender liner because it came loose for some reason and was rubbing the tire. I had to cut a chunk of it off on the side of the road a few months ago. She did some of the wrenching even. She loved the impact gun for rotating the tires, took all the lugs off and put them back on. (using a torque stick). I know I know, not the best way. She put the oil back in and checked it to be sure it was full.

She didn't complain once or check her phone at all and even said it was interesting to help with when we got done. Maybe she isn't a completely insane (normal) female after all.

She wouldn't wear the safety glasses for the picture.

That's awesome! I had to replace the A/C clutch and change the oil on my daughter's car yesterday. It would have been nice to get a little help from her, but I can't complain to much though. She was taking her semester final, so I guess I'll live with it. lol
My wife found a new, to us, water park, wake island (small beach, inflatables course and cable park) near Sacramento . It was a lot more difficult to run the course than I initially thought it would be. American Ninja warrior? No, more like Wipeout.
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From yesterday. At one of my favorite lakes with @OperationROL's Wife & @OperationROL's Son - Lake Geneva. However, it was 67 degrees at that point and the sun lost his way. We did not stay very long. Packed up and went to the river. The weather was equally as bad so we were home by 3pm. Argh.

I spy awesomeness!!!!!!!! My bank account is starting to burn,lol
Is that an older Seadoo or are they getting back in the jet boat market. That thing looks pretty bad ass.
Is that an older Seadoo or are they getting back in the jet boat market. That thing looks pretty bad ass.
They did look pretty bad ass while sitting at the dealer waiting on repairs! Hehe...Razz! ;p
Here are some at Hart Miller Island in Baltimore.

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This is how everyone should be able to arise in the morning !
Difficult to feel anything but amazing when you experience this. :winkingthumbsup"

So to celebrate before W.W. day, my Bestest Friend in the whole world and me got out and walked 7.18 miles this am.
Yoooooooooooooooooooooooo Babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!WAKE UP IN THE MORNING.jpg
Dinner Sunday night ..........
Charred and Scarred salmon over red oak and a little charcoal.
Yummmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Dinner SUnday night - Charred and scarred.jpg
This is how everyone should be able to arise in the morning !
Difficult to feel anything but amazing when you experience this. :winkingthumbsup"

So to celebrate before W.W. day, my Bestest Friend in the whole world and me got out and walked 7.18 miles this am.
Yoooooooooooooooooooooooo Babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!View attachment 27189
@MikeyL I hope to have this view in a few years, only will not be quite as fantastic as yours. During my travels, hopefully will get to meet you and many other members out there.
@MikeyL I hope to have this view in a few years, only will not be quite as fantastic as yours. During my travels, hopefully will get to meet you and many other members out there.
Our home is open to you as soon as you decide to show up.
Central Ga, 1/2 way between Atlanta and Augusta on I-20.
Great evening on the water with family. This is Lake Thunderbird.....literally 5 minutes from the house.


My mom and her husband.

Me and my gf Amanda
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Left to right - My uncle, Amanda, me, mom, stepdad
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My mom made pulled pork sandwiches....yum
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A picture of us getting a picture lol11846594_1770482196511866_7715833430177343854_n.jpg 11822604_1770509693175783_8371662522686714754_n.jpg 11887749_10206254865666087_4195455436729175897_o.jpg 11242995_10153156692006936_6518166584680580065_n.jpg