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Throwback Thursday

A day late, again.
c. 1997 milking sheep with a DeLaval pail milker before the pipeline was installed.

Yes, you can milk a sheep. A few cheeses made from sheep milk...French Roquefort blue, Pecorino Romano, Spanish Manchego, Greek Feta and yogurt.

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A day early this time.

HA ! when I first glanced at the picture I thought you were going to say they were old wheels from a grinding mill,

I googled "butternut cheese" but only came up with squash receipts, Does it have a "butternut" flavor or just a name you picked out ?

Try typing in the farm name with that search. Nothing to do with the squash other than name. We do have a bunch of Butternut nut trees on our property. Also, early production samplers described it as buttery with a nutty flavor, The name stuck. It was an alpine style cheese, similar to a Vacherin or Gruyere cheese.


This was a wheel packaged with the label.


Just have to know where to look.

Here is an old link to the Vermont Cheese Council. It is a shame they don't show all the different labels we had.

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My kids from about 5-6yrs backView attachment 168119
My sisters from long, long ago
View attachment 168120
That is awesome.

One of my sisters just send me this... from long, long ago!
she found it somewhere, me and my two (much) younger sisters sitting on the hood of a car; wish I could find the original that shows the rest of the car! it was a late 70s Ford Taunus made by Ford Germany.
That thing was so cool.

Westover Air Reserve base in Mass during my Blond ambition tour circa 2000

Morning chores during Lambing season about 10 years ago. Using the wood stove to warm a newborn. No I am not drinking a Stove Pipe Porter that early in the day. It is lamb milk replacer. The coffee cup is mine.. The real Zipper and our Akita looking on. She, the Akita, treated all the lambs I brought home as if they were her own.

Bottle feeding


Tube feeding directly into stomach. Need that meconium to come out.


Deer in the headlight look is due to being at the lambing barn since 3 am.
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Morning chores during Lambing season about 10 years ago. Using the wood stove to warm a newborn. No I am not drinking a Stove Pipe Porter that early in the day. It is lamb milk replacer. The coffee cup is mine.. The real Zipper and our Akita looking on. She, the Akita, treated all the lambs I brought home as if they were her own.

Bottle feeding

View attachment 168206

Tube feeding directly into stomach.

View attachment 168207
My grandfather would do the same thing, bring them in & bottle feed the lambs.
Morning chores during Lambing season about 10 years ago. Using the wood stove to warm a newborn. No I am not drinking a Stove Pipe Porter that early in the day. It is lamb milk replacer. The coffee cup is mine.. The real Zipper and our Akita looking on. She, the Akita, treated all the lambs I brought home as if they were her own.

Bottle feeding

View attachment 168206

Tube feeding directly into stomach.

View attachment 168207
That is one of the best posts ever.

My grandfather would do the same thing, bring them in & bottle feed the lambs.

Sometimes a lamb from a multiple birth does not get colostrum from its mom within 3 hrs of birth. On cold nights they may need to be warmed up and then fed. The need to warm newborns happens more with lambs than cows. But we have used the warm cab of the truck for calves a few times.

Being a fall calving herd it tends to be colder but we haven’t had to warm any calves inside yet. I did have a missing calf a few years ago & found him about 1/4 mile away in a cut bean field. Must’ve gotten zapped by the fence & went though it. Drove the truck out to get him, threw him on the passenger floor & took him home. Kids didn’t know what to think when I did that but I sure wasn’t going to carry him all that way.
With dairy cows having a 9 mo. gestation and a 9-10 month lactation, we Ai'ed to calve in March-April, milk March thru December.

Circa maybe 1995
Me, my dad and my oldest brother

It must have been snapper season in the gulf, my dad had a 21' trophy center console

He was always happy when we were on the water

We found a spot that we liked and just keep going back!
We did the same thing, that is, spent a few hours in Cabo on a honeymoon cruise and ended up buying a time share there a few years later, now we vacation there every other summer.
Back to 1986. The State Championship B league Bantum 13,14,15 yo hockey team. I was the coach, yellow pull over.


B league, because I would lose my best 4 to 5 players who were freshman, to the high school team for most of the year and get them back just in time for the playoffs.
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