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Throwback Thursday

That took me back. I had to look up the lyrics.
It has really seemed like January has lasted forever! I need a vacation…. Backyard and front yard.


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Not Thursday, but came across this video of one of my Nitro boats my dad gave me, this was shot roughly 6yrs ago. Boat and engine was sitting for over 30yrs. new glow plug, fuel and battery/servos and we were off and running. This one does around 50mph, while the other with the tuned pipe does close to 80mph.
Cleaning out the old truck yesterday. Found this from 20 years ago. Lambing season. Pay no attention to the towel with the iodine stain on it. Taken after sheering.

Once a shepherd…
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Nah, they are good. Probably late March, early April. The wet newborns in the lambing pens are the ones to watch, hence the towel. When cold they lay in a close group, with the lambs forming a pile on one another, not spread out.
Cleaning out the old truck yesterday. Found this from 20 years ago. Lambing season. Pay no attention to the towel with the iodine stain on it. Taken after sheering.

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Once a shepherd…
That is shear MADNESS