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Throwback Thursday



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Do you think they took it with them or cut it loose after they reached open water?
They actually took it with them, once they had the boat off the sand bar they used it to anchor by the fort Desoto bridge for a long time and then when they were told to move they anchored by the Tierra Verde bridge for another extended period of time finally having the boat towed to Tampa , and it went with them. That was a 2 year ordeal! https://jetboaters.net/threads/someone-had-a-bad-day-today.16050/
About 20 years ago we 3-4“ of snow. The lake had frozen 2-3 days previously and the ice was like glass. The wind wiped up with the couple of inches of snow and blew miles of it across the ice until land/buildings and it could accumulate!


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This happened 44 years ago this past Throwback Thursday. Opening of the first Ben & Jerry's scoop shop. I remember this old gas station very well.

15 years ago while camping on the island with my family playing around in the cove behind shell key at Bunces pass my daughter took her camera out to video her DAD doing stunts with his sea doo that had his steering on it.
Our first and only cruise in ‘84View attachment 166779
And now our 44th wedding anniversary! Still a little crazy after all these years. Several years back, she said “please never grow up”. I guess that applies to the both of us….


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In our skeet league a few guys joined us from the rifle range, they broke out some old stuff

Sears brand paper hull

Picked these up from a neighborhood widow clearing stuff out, bought at Target

if you watched this show your OLD !

my wife and I were watching the Tour last night and as one of the favorites blew up on the final climb the announcer mentioned "the agony of defeat" which I'm sure everyone one remembers the scene playing on TV, I couldn't remember though scene for "the thrill of victory", which I had to look up and watch,

Our boat growing up. Photo taken about 25 years ago in Port Clinton Ohio.

1979 Bertram 28' Moppie
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if you watched this show your OLD !

my wife and I were watching the Tour last night and as one of the favorites blew up on the final climb the announcer mentioned "the agony of defeat" which I'm sure everyone one remembers the scene playing on TV, I couldn't remember though scene for "the thrill of victory", which I had to look up and watch,


Kris Economake (sp?) probably one of the greatest motor sports announcers of all time…

Not sure on the thrill of victory, was it a soccer score? Agony of defeat, the guy eating shit on the ski jump and spinning off onto the ground and bouncing back up into the air again..ouch.
Ya, that was about the time they switched the pop top to what it is today. Before you could slice yourself on the can opening or the pull tab.

Amazing we all didn’t bleed out isn’t it? The pop top was the evolution of the church key top…

From a song… “I blew out my flip flop, stepped on a pop top, cut my heel had to cruise on back home”
Jay Peak is one of @swatski ‘s ski hills.