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Throwback Thursday

It was our 7 year anniversary yesterday.
We eloped to Park City and got married in front if strangers in the courthouse.
Actual (not really) image of me in 1982.
A day late but whatever. Here is a pic of me on my first “boat”. Circa late 80s. It’s a Kawasaki X2, that I could barely afford, I didn’t even have a trailer. So I got it to and from the water in the bed of a borrowed pickup truck.
Late again. One of the first times my boy had gone snowboarding, soon he may be going off to college. Where did the time go?
cruising with my kids in my dune buggy back in 1985


  • me & family in my dune buggy 1985.jpg
    me & family in my dune buggy 1985.jpg
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Three years ago and recently.
This just came across my FB news feed, apparently from 11 years ago. My wife warming up a cold newborn calf in the heated cab of my old truck. Did this with many newborn lambs but not too many calves.

How in the world could you get a calf in a truck?
How in the world could you get a calf in a truck?

The picure is proof, we do it. They only weigh about 80# at birth, being Jersey's. A Holstein or Brown Swiss calf will weigh 100+. That little heifer calf curled right up as we dried her off with the towels. Once we got her dried off, we brought her back to the tit to get fed mom's colostrum.
I know it is only Wednesday...

September 2010 Falls Lake Gathering.....(its not quite Thursday yet....)

Just a couple pics of a champ dirtcar we just finished restoring won the championship in 1979
hope this link works here is another car we restored about 2 years ago
Some pics from my Wedding 20 years ago last month. One of these guys told me I was fat at 175 pounds back then. After gaining 20 (1 per year of marriage) since, I wish I could be that “fat” again.

I think my wife feels the same way about herself but am smart enough not to ask her for confirmation. I love my boat but I don’t want to sleep in it again anytime soon.

I look more serious in the second pic because I just wiped away some tears. Of course I cried on my Wedding Day. California is a community property state, it’s not everyday that you give away half your future earnings.