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222 XE Top Speed

The “limited” reverse will be more than adequate to throw someone who is standing and not holding on out the front of the boat.

Did you watch the vid I linked? Steve barely applies any throttle in reverse and that boat stops pronto!

I’ve messed around with mine a fair amount, had two old salts on board one day and they said they wanted to see this fast stopping thing.. they were stunned.
If it had a sub-woofer, it would be perfect.

That should be a relatively easy fix. You might just have to take that on and document it for the good of the community!! I do not believe there is much written up on how to “tap into” the Hertz system, as its new for this year. As for the sub location, can you look to the 222x series for the OEM sub location?
well if you give the early boats too much throttle in reverse going too fast it can rip the weaker style steering casting right off... I have updated to the much stronger later articulating keel capable parts and have had no problems since... :wideyed:
Hi all, just looking for some insight on the new 222 XE / XD top speed. I already placed a deposit on one but my main motivator to take the plunge was performance / speed coming from a 2018 AR 210. There was a recent video by Boater Magazine which said 43-44 mph with 400 lbs of passenger and 60 gallons of fuel. The TR-1s are 40 mph on a good day, I have had AR 240s out and they perform well with enough top speed. My understanding is the 212 models with 1.8l also pull 50 mph. Could this be a prototype issue, conditions while testing, boat still in break in mode or is this what to expect with the new hull design ? Also wondering if the wake series are slower than the other models? Thanks in advance
mine tops out just past 44...so far...just me on board and about 3/4 tank of fuel
mine tops out just past 44...so far...just me on board and about 3/4 tank of fuel
I'm guessing the new hull design might be slowing it down. What's weight difference between the new generation and previous one?
Also remember it is the dead of summer. If it is hot and humid you could lose 3-5 mph.
Just got a brand new 222XE today. After the 1.5 hour break in got to open it up and it hit 52 MPH with 2 people, a full tank, and significant chop and 7 MPH wind blowing from the side. I was shocked because the reviews put this boat around 47 MPH. In perfect conditions this boat should be able to do 55MPH or more.