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AR210 Garmin 93sv Install

I can't right now. Boat is still in storage which I did this winter. May not have it out for few more weeks or so. Weather is crap here in michigan.
Thats fine. Do you remember how far down the transducer mount has to hang to get the image. I know you mentioned trimming down the ones in the original picture. you original looks to hang down greater than 2.5 inches.

I made 2 template sets one has a vertical distance of 2 inches and the other has 2.5 inches. I used thick cardboard for the template and will cut metal this weekend before mounting it up. I am trying to get close to where the image is good and i still have almost all the side view ;) with the initial install.

mounted it up with the 2.5 inch drop downs. works at all speeds. ;)


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