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Barrel Rolls on a tube.


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Now that is some aggressive/skilled tubing!!
That's pretty sweet. How fast, and do you think it could be done on a flat tube? (One without the wings on each side?)
That used to be me back in my younger more agile days....ahh to be young again. I might be able to do one now. Lol. It used to piss my dad off because he couldn't throw me off the tube. I'd just roll it and keep going.

@RiverRat yes it can be done on a flat tube. Needs to be a smaller 2 person or a 1 person.
Thanks guys it sure makes me sore the next day, I started learning on normal circle tubes behind a old 1999 Kawi... STX 1100 Jetski but sold my tubes them all when I sold the ski's, I use the wing tube only b/c it was my first tube I purchased when I got the boat its still my favorite tube I don't let other folks ride it since shes getting old, its fairly old now the Coleman F4 no longer made for many years, I do have a Sea-Doo Evo 1 pro which is similar but its a little larger, I can roll that one too but again they stopped making them. the circle tubes are very easy to barrel roll, the wings allow me to air brake when my driver throws me too hard. Typically when I am driving I keep the rider straight at 19-20 GPS speed, since I have perfect pass, not sure what the stock MPH would read, any faster and they get jet spray in the face and it hurts if directly behind the boat, then speed up while turning and sling them, not sure what speed depends on the tube and weight of the rider. Youtube has a lot of guys doing barrel rolls normally with typical circle tubes, which again I find easier to roll myself.

and Trashygasman I want see you older guys do some barrel rolls
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Thanks guys it sure makes me sore the next day, I started learning on normal circle tubes behind a old 1999 Kawi... STX 1100 Jetski but sold my tubes them all when I sold the ski's, I use the wing tube only b/c it was my first tube I purchased when I got the boat its still my favorite tube I don't let other folks ride it since shes getting old, its fairly old now the Coleman F4 no longer made for many years, I do have a Sea-Doo Evo 1 pro which is similar but its a little larger, I can roll that one too but again they stopped making them. the circle tubes are very easy to barrel roll, the wings allow me to air brake when my driver throws me too hard. Typically when I am driving I keep the rider straight at 19-20 GPS speed, since I have perfect pass, not sure what the stock MPH would read, any faster and they get jet spray in the face and it hurts if directly behind the boat, then speed up while turning and sling them, not sure what speed depends on the tube and weight of the rider. Youtube has a lot of guys doing barrel rolls normally with typical circle tubes, which again I find easier to roll myself.

and Trashygasman I want see you older guys do some barrel rolls
I would give it a try if I had the right tube. The one I have now is too big. It's a 3 person the kids ride on.