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Double Tubing


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We have spent several weekends now pulling double tubes and the boys absolutely love it. The key, for us, is using the same type and size tube (Super Screamers), same length of rope and 17 mph seems to be the right speed (love the ability to lock in the speed on the Connext).

Great video! Did you do anything special to get the tubes to split on both sides of the wake?
Haven’t tried pulling two tubes yet but wanting to.
Thanks! I realized a could do a couple little zags to each side to get the tubes outside each respective wake. I also make sure the lines aren’t crossed. Sometimes if riders come off one tube it may fly over the other tube. You will want to uncross the line. This allows them to go their own direction.
I did this as a kid and remember it being really fun. But I don't do it with my kid and friends as I think it really increases the chance of head injury significantly. Tubing already causes a number of injuries to kids, and that is with them sitting (not moving around) in the designated positions on the tubes. Once you add allowing kids to move around, and then add having two tubes accelerating towards each other, I'm not going to introduce it behind my boat. Wake boarding helmets would probably be sufficient to eliminate/reduce head injury risks, but we don't have any and that is just abother expense. I don't mean to say you shouldn't do this....each of us have our own tollerance for these things, and although I'm typically pretty easy going - on this one I'm holding off. (perhaps if it were two of MY kids I'd let them....but with other people's kids it causes me more concerns...and since I only have 1...it would always be other people's kids involved).
I understand the angst, but I think I have had more “injuries” (nothing serious) pulling a single tube. I think it is because you can have a tendency to get more aggressive pulling a single tube at higher speeds. Head injuries are always a concern wether one tub or two once you have more than one rider.
I understand the angst, but I think I have had more “injuries” (nothing serious) pulling a single tube. I think it is because you can have a tendency to get more aggressive pulling a single tube at higher speeds. Head injuries are always a concern wether one tub or two once you have more than one rider.

Yeah....tubing is inherently dangerous for sure! I just feel that moving around while tubing adds to the risk. Look at the image that is the thumbnail for your video....one kid is laying on top of another.....go over a wave, and those two heads can easily connect. I've not seen the designated positions on a tube have kids heads that close together. When you watch the video, the kid that is on top clearly has less control over his own movement, and the movement of his head in particular.....in your video there are a couple of times when his head bops towards the other riders. That said, I think he is further behind them (it is hard to tell) so heads aren't on the same plane. But like I said everyone has their own tollerances....my daughter wouldn't be that daring anyway...so its a moot point for my boat!
Yeah....tubing is inherently dangerous for sure! I just feel that moving around while tubing adds to the risk. Look at the image that is the thumbnail for your video....one kid is laying on top of another.....go over a wave, and those two heads can easily connect. I've not seen the designated positions on a tube have kids heads that close together. When you watch the video, the kid that is on top clearly has less control over his own movement, and the movement of his head in particular.....in your video there are a couple of times when his head bops towards the other riders. That said, I think he is further behind them (it is hard to tell) so heads aren't on the same plane. But like I said everyone has their own tollerances....my daughter wouldn't be that daring anyway...so its a moot point for my boat!

I agree about the boy on top and potential for heads to connect. We ultimately had him slide the the middle. In actuality should really only have two on each tube. But all told those examples have nothing to do with dual tubes. That is just a much of a problem with a single.
Another thing I will say it is a HUGE difference when you are pulling strong, athletic people vs the opposite.
We pulled double tubes a lot and the kids (and adults) loved it! We didn't go fast either and tried to make the turns fun but not trying to throw them off. The only injuries (none serious) we had came from wakeboarding and skiing. You just try to minimize the risk especially with young kids.
Double tubes is about the only way our girls wanna run now. We have double 2-person tubes and double single tubes. The kids, including myself, have actually jumped from one tube to the other.

if the ropes are not twisted, then its easy to separate them across the wake, or slam them on one side. If they twist a little, one tube helps to push/pull the other across the wake to one side, both are fun. Or the kids will hold the handles of the opposite tube to keep them together.

When the single tubes are out, it's not uncommon for one tube to fly off the wake and fly clear over the top of the other tube. There is so much give in the tubes, that there is little chance for injury when this happens. It's like someone doing a belly flop on another with an air mattress for padding. It's all good fun.

Now the three person big mable and other granny tubes seem to have more potential for head knocks. Those kids are sitting side by side with little to keep them from bonking heads. I hate it for that reason, although fun to ride.

To each their own.
We have spent several weekends now pulling double tubes and the boys absolutely love it. The key, for us, is using the same type and size tube (Super Screamers), same length of rope and 17 mph seems to be the right speed (love the ability to lock in the speed on the Connext).

What Marina are you out of? We boat from Alligator II and I rarely see other Yammys on the lake.
What Marina are you out of? We boat from Alligator II and I rarely see other Yammys on the lake.

I boat out of Lees Ford Marina in Fishing Creek. It is at the far east end of the lake and slightly west of Somerset. We see a lot of Yammys down our way.
We have spent several weekends now pulling double tubes and the boys absolutely love it. The key, for us, is using the same type and size tube (Super Screamers), same length of rope and 17 mph seems to be the right speed (love the ability to lock in the speed on the Connext).

thats the tube we have. Ill be buying another. that looks WAY too fun.
I boat out of Lees Ford Marina in Fishing Creek. It is at the far east end of the lake and slightly west of Somerset. We see a lot of Yammys down our way.

I feel like there are about triple of the number of Yamaha's on Cumberland this year. A lot of newer ones. We put in at Burnside Island or on a ramp on the South fork with occasionally trailering down to Conley Bottom if we want to go to Harmon on a kid free weekend. The last few weeks in the Southfork party cove it is not unusual to see 4 or 5 Yamaha's in there throughout the day.
I feel like there are about triple of the number of Yamaha's on Cumberland this year. A lot of newer ones. We put in at Burnside Island or on a ramp on the South fork with occasionally trailering down to Conley Bottom if we want to go to Harmon on a kid free weekend. The last few weeks in the Southfork party cove it is not unusual to see 4 or 5 Yamaha's in there throughout the day.

@bthessel What is "Harmon" at Conley Bottom if I might ask?
Harmon Creek, its the biggest party area on Cumberland. Used to be 76 falls before the lake was lowered several years ago, then it moved.
Got it. I have seen videos but didn't recognize the name.
We were in Harmon Creek this past Saturday and it was pretty tame. I think the weather forecast kept people away. I did pull up my anchor covered in Mardi gras beads and a pair of sunglasses, lol
@bthessel ,I'm in my 3rd season slipped at State Dock across from Jamestown Marina in the State Park. The first two seasons I don't remember seeing an other Yamahas based there. This past Friday I pulled up to the fuel pier at State Dock and there was a Limited SE and an AR210 already fueling. Definitely more this year.
We pull double tubes a lot and it is a blast! We actually put three tubes on this weekend - very fun for sure. Kept it slow (under 20 MPH) but kids had a blast and nobody got hurt. I usually tow Tubes from the Tow hook versus tower (2017 242X) - anybody tow from the tower?


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