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Falling off a tube.... a long, long fall...

Wow! That’s a long ways up.
Long way up and falling at probably at 40 to 50 MPH speed into the water, that got to hurt ?. Hope he was ok?
That is why those were banned and then pulled from market....bad injuries and at least 2 deaths.

That one I posted was not a kite tube, just a regular old 3 or 4 seater. My LS2000 used to get my 3 seater up about 30 feet, and all it took was one wreck to realize it wasn't safe. Thank the Lord that kid hit perfectly and was not hurt, and ended up starting 2 seasons at Clemson and grabbing 7 rings, lol. 5 ACC titles and 2 Nationals....But one scare is all it took to make us stop flying tubes. That LS2000 was a monster and got those suckers up high and quickly.