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Forgive me...


Jetboaters Admiral
Reaction score
The Woodlands, TX 77381
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Forgive me Board, for I have sinned. It's been months since my last checking, ages since my last post.

Since then I have married off a boy, lost a niece, married off a niece, had a kitchen redone, doggie died, doggie saved from pound, been to MN a few times, and generally worked my butt off.

I think the boat made it out like 3 times this summer. Horrible.

And I've not been around here. Must I do penance to be welcomed back? Should my status change to 'purgatory'? Have we adopted indulgences, by chance?

Hello again and hope you're all doing well.
Good to hear from you again. No judgement here. Glad you are still boating.
Forgive me Board, for I have sinned. It's been months since my last checking, ages since my last post.

Since then I have married off a boy, lost a niece, married off a niece, had a kitchen redone, doggie died, doggie saved from pound, been to MN a few times, and generally worked my butt off.

I think the boat made it out like 3 times this summer. Horrible.

And I've not been around here. Must I do penance to be welcomed back? Should my status change to 'purgatory'? Have we adopted indulgences, by chance?

Hello again and hope you're all doing well.

Thouest must say’eth Ya-Ma-Ha 10 times,

Forgiveth thy self for being an adult human of good character and doing what one must doeth.
Good to see you. I have been away for a bit as well.
I spent a bit of time in Woodlands, TX, that's one of the few very beautiful areas of TX. Don't waste the opportunity to enjoy it going forward. Since you recognize it, all will be good.