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Jet Pump Cone Grease amount

FSH 210 Sport

Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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FSH Sport
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Two years ago I service the grease cones on my boat, I was behind one year on that service (boo FSH 210 Sport Boo). I remember the first time I pulled the cones that I thought there was not enough grease in them to be able to migrate up into the bearing carrier and into the front bearing.

Here is what they looked like in April of 2023 after I had serviced them in 2021. I had filled the cones up about 2/3 of the way with grease.


When I serviced them in 2023 I filled the cones up with grease after much thought and research, again my thinking was to make sure the epnoc grease was getting all the way up to the front bearing.

Here is what they looked like when I pulled them a couple of weeks ago in December of 2024.



Interestingly the port cone was still totally full of grease while the starboard cone had developed a bit of a void and a tiny bit of moisture in the grease.

So, being the way I am I went back and had another long look at the service manual to double check things. The service manual states .7 ounces for the space in the bearing carrier and the cone. For reference the cone will hold just shy of 5 ounces, so .7 ounces would be a drop in the bucket in those cones.


I called my “local” dealer in Bismarck to ask a mechanic what they did when they service them. The mechanics were off, but the service manager Tim said he would check with Yamaha corporate and get back to me. About 10 mins later he called me back and said that Yamaha said to fill them with grease.

Hope this is helpful
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Here’s a useful tip, when you’ve filled the cones and want to check the fit so to speak, leave the sealing O ring off so it’s easy to put the cone on to see if you’ve got the right amount of grease in there. I filled mine about 1/4” from the top so that the nut is fully covered and the grease is just about to touch the bearing. If you try this with the O ring installed the air pressure will try to push it back off.

The oil seals at the front of the pump are oriented so that if the grease expands too much it will push past the seals.
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I will review my service manual and service hour requirements for our 222SE.
.7 ounces, really? What is the melting point of the epnoc grease? Are they relying on the bearing getting really hot, melting the grease and then flowing into the bearing?

If more are following that service manual you’d think you’d hear about fried bearings all the time.
1.4 oz of grease in that space does seem a bit low volume. I'm not sure how that grease expands when it gets hot. I fill the cone up at least half way, but I am also using a slurry with synthetic gear oil, so it flows really well.
The bigger issue that I have noticed with my own pumps,is water intrusion through the forward double lip seal. The shaft really abuses this seal and like wise the shaft in return develops a groove which further promotes water ingress. With my own situation, I pull the pumps and inspect everything annually. I am already poised with all the parts, ie bearings, seals ect. to change them out when the time comes.
.7 ounces, really? What is the melting point of the epnoc grease? Are they relying on the bearing getting really hot, melting the grease and then flowing into the bearing?

If more are following that service manual you’d think you’d hear about fried bearings all the time.
A quick internet search yields the results below.

I guess you have not handled this grease before, it is a very low viscosity grease that flows well even at room temp.. it also clings to metal.

No I have not. Haven’t read through the service manual either. Hence the questions. But sorry for asking. Carry on.
No I have not. Haven’t read through the service manual either. Hence the questions. But sorry for asking. Carry on.

Is your info correct on your profile for your boat? I'm not sure how the SeaDoo's are serviced, but they may call for something other than this Epnoc - thus far, I've only seen it referred to with the Yamaha's and their cones.
No I have not. Haven’t read through the service manual either. Hence the questions. But sorry for asking. Carry on.
Just an fyi... @FSH 210 Sport isn't being snarky, that's just him doing what he does every day, which is to provide the rest of us with some useful, detailed, and accurate information and knowledge because he likes to help. It's easy to read something into a message here that isn't actually intended or implied. Especially from a guy with a reaction score approaching 9000.
Is your info correct on your profile for your boat? I'm not sure how the SeaDoo's are serviced, but they may call for something other than this Epnoc - thus far, I've only seen it referred to with the Yamaha's and their cones.
Sold the Sea Doo. Had very similar cones with grease in them. Never refilled them as the one time I pulled them apart the grease was like new. Boat only had 56hrs when I bought it.

Now possibly in the market for a Yamaha which is why I do research and ask questions. Would be our 4th jet boat and do my own maintenance on every boat I own.
Just an fyi... @FSH 210 Sport isn't being snarky, that's just him doing what he does every day, which is to provide the rest of us with some useful, detailed, and accurate information and knowledge because he likes to help. It's easy to read something into a message here that isn't actually intended or implied. Especially from a guy with a reaction score approaching 9000.
Absolutely no snarkyness in my reply..