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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Are you still thinking of keeping ballast centered or are you placing more to the surf side?
Are you still thinking of keeping ballast centered or are you placing more to the surf side?
It depends on what you're doing that day. If you want max wave height the ballast should favor the side you're surfing on. If you want to surf two at the time the ballast can be centered. We're going to shoot a set up video which will show best practices for ballast placement and how to achieve best wave shape for each activity.
Gonna do that in your spare time?:)

No ask here...just thanks for all your time and energy on the TVWs this winter. I think I speak for most here and say we're just excited to get these puppies on our boats and go give them a try!

Now, is it Memorial Day yet???
FYI gents... I spoke with Will on the phone. I have the upmost respect for him. I am keeping my preorder in line.
If in the future I still want the solid fin, we should be able to work something out
Like you I wish the fin didn't have the cut out, I may take it into my shop and have one of my guys put a filler piece in somehow, I'll have to see how it looks first. I like the idea of it being solid, but no opposed to leaving it as is either....of course, now that they are being anodized, welding a piece in won't be possible....hmmmmm
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I am still confused - minus 1200lbs of ballast, what does this do? I can't figure it out and can't seem to get an answer.
I am still confused - minus 1200lbs of ballast, what does this do? I can't figure it out and can't seem to get an answer.
It deflects the jet wash down. Look at the video where Will shows the product. You can see the deflector that is past the jet nozzle and between the fins.

We moved over the winter and I finally got my boat out of storage yesterday. However I don’t have much clearance backing up my driveway (in the back of the boat). On the 19’s do the TVW sit below the rudder (can you provide a picture)? Thanks.
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@SCP1 Could you take a light weight buggy or small rope and tie it "up" to the grab handle or low tow point.. I know its "not ideal" but sometimes we do things to make boating more fun.

I have to drop my aftermarket tower 2 bolts to lower side supports and bimini frame before backing into garage
1200 lbs steel shot. 600 on the lower platform and 600 rear deck and rear seat.
So with TVW and my factory ballast full in my '16 212x....How much JBP Ballast do you recommend to get the results for surfing in the video?
@SCP1 Could you take a light weight buggy or small rope and tie it "up" to the grab handle or low tow point.. I know its "not ideal" but sometimes we do things to make boating more fun.

I have to drop my aftermarket tower 2 bolts to lower side supports and bimini frame before backing into garage
Yeah I’m sure I can figure something out, I remember on other TV install videos he has just put a paper towel roll into keep the fins up.

We moved over the winter and I finally got my boat out of storage yesterday. However I don’t have much clearance backing up my driveway (in the back of the boat). On the 19’s do the TVW sit below the rudder (can you provide a picture)? Thanks.
They do hang beneath the keel on a single engine boat (not on twins) and if you're concerned about backing in the driveway just insert a piece of pool float or similar into the nozzle while holding the fins up. When you release the fins they will ride on top of the pool float keeping the fins above the keel.
So with TVW and my factory ballast full in my '16 212x....How much JBP Ballast do you recommend to get the results for surfing in the video?
We're using 1200 lbs of ballast but we're doing it very efficiently. 600 lbs of it is down on the lower swim platform in the center. At that level it is like 1000 lbs on the top deck. Then we're putting 400 lbs on the top deck (surf side) and another 200 lbs on the rear seat ( surf side). This setup is giving us great results! We'll shoot a video soon showing how we're doing our setup. Its pretty similar from 21 to 24 foot testing also.

We're not using our factory ballast at the moment because most people don't have factory ballast. We're hoping to show that it is easy to add bags or steel shot to get the demonstrated results.

For your boat I'd suggest filling the rear bags full, then add 600 lbs of steel shot on the lower swim platform and maybe put a couple hundred pounds in the center line bag. You could add a water bag on the lower platform to save money but those types of bags are large and get in the way of getting into and out of the boat. My wake board rider loves the steel shot because he can put his board on the bag and the upper deck and stand level. From there he just jumps in. Using the big water bag in the center wakeboarders would have to take their board off before they got back on the boat or risk puncturing the bag.

We've also found that putting that weight in the center down low allows for easy tuning when your rider wants to change from front side to back side. Just move the upper deck bags from one side to the other and the wave cleans up where the weight goes.
I am still confused - minus 1200lbs of ballast, what does this do? I can't figure it out and can't seem to get an answer.
The Thrust Vector Wake does three things while surfing. Two of which have been announced formally and one of which is going to be announced this week (something new, an added bonus!!).
1: They deflect the exiting jet wash downward at a specified angle. This clean up the face of the wave and also makes for a much dryer tubing ride (no need to run a 70 foot long tow rope or wear goggles).
2: The Thrust Vector Wake deflector (cross piece between the two fins) has an inward angled deflector that pushes the jet wash towards the center of the boat. This also cleans the face of the wave more than stock (sortof like how Yamaha did it with their Surf Point System on 212X and 242X)

We've run our boats with and without the Thrust Vector Wake and will shoot video showing before and after. The results are remarkable. Thrust Vector Wake makes the wake so clean that it looks much like an inboard boat's wake! Yesterday we were getting thigh high waves with only 1200 lbs of ballast in the boat and only three average sized passengers.
The Thrust Vector Wake does three things while surfing. Two of which have been announced formally and one of which is going to be announced this week (something new, an added bonus!!).
1: They deflect the exiting jet wash downward at a specified angle. This clean up the face of the wave and also makes for a much dryer tubing ride (no need to run a 70 foot long tow rope or wear goggles).
2: The Thrust Vector Wake deflector (cross piece between the two fins) has an inward angled deflector that pushes the jet wash towards the center of the boat. This also cleans the face of the wave more than stock (sortof like how Yamaha did it with their Surf Point System on 212X and 242X)

We've run our boats with and without the Thrust Vector Wake and will shoot video showing before and after. The results are remarkable. Thrust Vector Wake makes the wake so clean that it looks much like an inboard boat's wake! Yesterday we were getting thigh high waves with only 1200 lbs of ballast in the boat and only three average sized passengers.

If the TVW deflects the wash towards the center, what happens when it’s added to an ‘18 or ‘19 212x or 242x with nozzles that already point towards the center? I’d have to assume you designed your product for straight nozzle boats...
If the TVW deflects the wash towards the center, what happens when it’s added to an ‘18 or ‘19 212x or 242x with nozzles that already point towards the center? I’d have to assume you designed your product for straight nozzle boats...
We did, and to prevent any sort of rubbing or clearance issues we advise straightening the nozzles on 212x or 242x models. If you do not, the turn radius is reduced a bit by the up stop bracket which touches the side of the nozzle in hard turns. Straightening the nozzles remedies this and the Thrust Vector Wake deflectors accomplish the same task as the nozzles being turned inward.
Thrust Vector Wake Install Video: If you are planning on doing your installation you will want to watch this video and get familiar with the tools needed to do the install correctly. Allow for 5 hours cure time for the epoxy on the up stops. If you install in the morning, go boating in the afternoon!

An hour install video... wont he watching it in truck