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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

How come Will wears the same shirt in every video?? You need a couple more colors!

@JetBoatPilot how do you lift the bucket on an E series? (For use of the upstop measuring tool). Can you still push it by hand? Moving the throttle isn’t going to do anything, correct?
I saw the time limit on the install video before skimming and said, yup, I'm screwed! Goin to go ahead and apologize now @JetBoatPilot. Will be blowing your email up! Lol
Thrust Vector Wake Install Video: If you are planning on doing your installation you will want to watch this video and get familiar with the tools needed to do the install correctly. Allow for 5 hours cure time for the epoxy on the up stops. If you install in the morning, go boating in the afternoon!

Will, as many (most) of us have previous Thrust Vectors, could you provide a similar install video showing the full removal and replacement? Curious if there different procedures or ‘saved’ parts?
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By relocating the anode on a bracket it is no longer protecting the pump as it is supposed to, you will only be protecting the bracket it is mounted to. To be effective the anode must be mounted to the metal that you want to protect, in this case the pump.
...Huston, we may have a problem here....


  • E84B67C7-2C79-4C88-9121-C8A829666B56.png
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By relocating the anode on a bracket it is no longer protecting the pump as it is supposed to, you will only be protecting the bracket it is mounted to. To be effective the anode must be mounted to the metal that you want to protect, in this case the pump.

By relocating the anode on a bracket it is no longer protecting the pump as it is supposed to, you will only be protecting the bracket it is mounted to. To be effective the anode must be mounted to the metal that you want to protect, in this case the pump.
Ohhhhh boy. This would have been nice to know ahead of time. I only boat in fresh water so maybe not as much of an issue as salt. But still. If this causes possible damage to the pumps then it’s not as good as we hoped. Maybe Will can shed some more light on this.
As long as the anode is electrically connected (low resistance) to the part you wish to protect, it will do it's job. Basically if you can ohm between them, it's fine. A layer of paint would do much more harm than a steel bracket, if the bracket does any harm at all. I don't know specifics obviously, but I doubt this is an issue. And even if it was, drill and tap for a 3 inch wire with ring terminals and the problem is solved. Or use existing bolts/screws to establish electrical conductivity. This isn't a big deal.
Will, as many (most) of us have previous Thrust Vectors, could you provide a similar install video showing the full removal and replacement? Curious if there different procedures or ‘saved’ parts?
Due to time constraints I won't be able to do a removal video, but you will not reuse any of the parts from the original Thrust Vector kit during the Thrust Vector Wake install. Let us know if you experience any trouble removing the old bolts from your Thrust Vector kit, particularly the mount bolts. Older kits that had the spring tensioner will require a pair of vice grip pliers to hold the tensioner steady and the proper allen wrench to remove the allen head screw on the end. I think it was 5mm at one point and earlier it was a bit smaller.
Ohhhhh boy. This would have been nice to know ahead of time. I only boat in fresh water so maybe not as much of an issue as salt. But still. If this causes possible damage to the pumps then it’s not as good as we hoped. Maybe Will can shed some more light on this.
We're being advised that there will be no issues with the anode relocate bracket. Newer style brackets will be aluminum and some of our older versions will be stainless. Both will work well but if you prefer aluminum you can contact us to special request.
Hey guys and gals, we are preparing to ship product and before we do we wanted to get as much new info to you as we could. You really can't imagine all the work that is going on right now to ensure that everything ships on time and with quality. We're producing new video content to update you on new advancements that have been ongoing and that will make it into kits preparing to ship on the 21st(keep your fingers crossed on that date).

This is the first of several videos that we are debuting today. Its a new breakthrough in the Thrust Vector Wake product which was discovered only weeks ago. It is giving us incredible results and the gorgeous wave that you've been seeing in all our twin engine videos has been, in part, created with the help of this breakthrough component! We're calling it JetWash Deflector. Here is a video introduction to the JetWash Deflector.

We're being advised that there will be no issues with the anode relocate bracket. Newer style brackets will be aluminum and some of our older versions will be stainless. Both will work well but if you prefer aluminum you can contact us to special request.
More than likely to keep things moving I'll probably make my own bracket out of 5052 Alum at the shop, I would prefer that over steel and stainless for this application...but good to know there shouldn't be any adverse effects.
More than likely to keep things moving I'll probably make my own bracket out of 5052 Alum at the shop, I would prefer that over steel and stainless for this application...but good to know there shouldn't be any adverse effects.
We're getting aluminum brackets made as we speak so if you prefer just ask for aluminum in your kit so you don't have to make the part.
Hey guys and gals, we are preparing to ship product and before we do we wanted to get as much new info to you as we could. You really can't imagine all the work that is going on right now to ensure that everything ships on time and with quality. We're producing new video content to update you on new advancements that have been ongoing and that will make it into kits preparing to ship on the 21st(keep your fingers crossed on that date).

This is the first of several videos that we are debuting today. Its a new breakthrough in the Thrust Vector Wake product which was discovered only weeks ago. It is giving us incredible results and the gorgeous wave that you've been seeing in all our twin engine videos has been, in part, created with the help of this breakthrough component! We're calling it JetWash Deflector. Here is a video introduction to the JetWash Deflector.

Sweeeeet....and it's included, nice touch.....glad to not have to buy one more thing! Can't wait to get this installed.
@JetBoatPilot how do you lift the bucket on an E series? (For use of the upstop measuring tool). Can you still push it by hand? Moving the throttle isn’t going to do anything, correct?
If you can turn on the power and move the levers forward while the engines are off you can then turn the power back off with the nozzles left in the up position. Worst case scenario you can disconnect the cable from the reverse hood as shown in the video. the reverse hood has to come off anyway so you'll want to familiarize yourself with this step.
Hey guys and gals, we are preparing to ship product and before we do we wanted to get as much new info to you as we could. You really can't imagine all the work that is going on right now to ensure that everything ships on time and with quality. We're producing new video content to update you on new advancements that have been ongoing and that will make it into kits preparing to ship on the 21st(keep your fingers crossed on that date).

This is the first of several videos that we are debuting today. Its a new breakthrough in the Thrust Vector Wake product which was discovered only weeks ago. It is giving us incredible results and the gorgeous wave that you've been seeing in all our twin engine videos has been, in part, created with the help of this breakthrough component! We're calling it JetWash Deflector. Here is a video introduction to the JetWash Deflector.

Was this extra component used in the earlier demo videos?
For those of you who have pre-ordered Thrust Vector Wake we've put together a video that we wanted to make sure you got a chance to see prior to getting your Thrust Vector shipment. Please watch this video which discusses our observations of the pros and cons of the Thrust Vector Wake system.

If you have questions you can call 850-867-1410 or message us here or PM.
