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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Will, what speeds are optimal for the TVW to work the best. The reason I ask is because we are new at boating. Currently we are tubing with our young girls and for the most part our speeds are in the 10-13 mph range. Is this too slow for the TVW to minimize the spray/wash?

The jet wash is knocked down at speeds up to 30 mph for tubing so at slower speeds you have less jet wash due to lower RPM. I'd think you'd be dry anywhere from those speeds to 30 mph.

Tubing speeds for us is typically 20-25. Surf speed seems to be most effective at about 11.2 if you have a GPS based speed control like perfect pass.

I do not have the rudder on my AR230. I know it is ascetics (hey we own boats- it’s all about ascetics !) but the gouge looks horrible not to mention all the time I will be spending telling my buds “what’s that for...”). Can we rudderless boats get a solid fin

@JetBoatPilot ... are you providing a solid fin for those without the rudder ?
@JetBoatPilot ... are you providing a solid fin for those without the rudder ?
Unfortunately we are not. The logistics are just too great at this time to offer this, even as a premium service. Maybe in the future it could be done but not at this moment. It adds a lot of complexity to the system to add extra sku's and to train all our people who are already running ragged during the ramp up for shipping. Sorry I can't help on this one.

By the way it does not perform any less with the cut away fin because most of the work is done on below the cut away where the water is laminar as compared to turbulent up where the cut away resides.
Unfortunately we are not. The logistics are just too great at this time to offer this, even as a premium service. Maybe in the future it could be done but not at this moment. It adds a lot of complexity to the system to add extra sku's and to train all our people who are already running ragged during the ramp up for shipping. Sorry I can't help on this one.

By the way it does not perform any less with the cut away fin because most of the work is done on below the cut away where the water is laminar as compared to turbulent up where the cut away resides.

hmm... estically it will look awefull on boats that do not require the cutout... i honestly am not sure i want my order fulfilled with the cutout. Isnt the system something that we have to assemble like your other thrust vector systems. Why not put in the package the correct fin? Have more port side fins produced. By you haveing our boat information on file, just give us the correct fin needed for our boat. No extra cost to you or us, and we have a correct looking product on boats that do not have fins.. I would imagine there are more boats without fins, than with fins at this time... over time, that would change
hmm... estically it will look awefull on boats that do not require the cutout... i honestly am not sure i want my order fulfilled with the cutout. Isnt the system something that we have to assemble like your other thrust vector systems. Why not put in the package the correct fin? Have more port side fins produced. By you haveing our boat information on file, just give us the correct fin needed for our boat. No extra cost to you or us, and we have a correct looking product on boats that do not have fins.. I would imagine there are more boats without fins, than with fins at this time... over time, that would change
It is possible to do what you're asking but from a management standpoint it is very complex. I know that makes no sense but trust me it is hard to implement.

Maybe someday in the future we will be able to do that but for now we will have to keep our policy the way that it is.
Can someone give me a 21 page update? Does this actually create a larger wake? If it does, does it out perform the Yamaha option?
It is possible to do what you're asking but from a management standpoint it is very complex. I know that makes no sense but trust me it is hard to implement.

Maybe someday in the future we will be able to do that but for now we will have to keep our policy the way that it is.

That is disappointing to hear. Why not a possible upcharge to get the full fin ?
You have a lifetime guarantee. So for some reason only one fin needs to be replaced, are you saying you will send a complete setup instead of just one fin only ?
Can someone give me a 21 page update? Does this actually create a larger wake? If it does, does it out perform the Yamaha option?

Check back when they ship. Until then, read Will's posts and watch the Jetboatpilot youtube channel. That's the latest until we get them in our hands.
It is possible to do what you're asking but from a management standpoint it is very complex. I know that makes no sense but trust me it is hard to implement.

Maybe someday in the future we will be able to do that but for now we will have to keep our policy the way that it is.
It is possible to do what you're asking but from a management standpoint it is very complex. I know that makes no sense but trust me it is hard to implement.

Maybe someday in the future we will be able to do that but for now we will have to keep our policy the way that it is.
For the boats without rudders would it work to simply order 2 sets of single engine TVW’s?

Same price for 2 singles vs 1 twin
That is disappointing to hear. Why not a possible upcharge to get the full fin ?
You have a lifetime guarantee. So for some reason only one fin needs to be replaced, are you saying you will send a complete setup instead of just one fin only ?
You cannot imagine the stress that we are under right now to deliver a huge number of products on time and adding another variable like this is impossible right now. We are taking this into consideration and maybe at some point in the future we will be able to accommodate this type of request.
For the boats without rudders would it work to simply order 2 sets of single engine TVW’s?

Same price for 2 singles vs 1 twin
No because they deflectors are wrong for the twin engine. They only work for the single engine set up considering the nozzle is center line. The twin engines deflectors kick the water in board from each side.... sort of like Yamaha's surf point system.
When fin is in water wont notice the notch. When it's on trailer eh I'm pulling the boat or its parked in my garage.

If you have looked st some of the footage the port motor has the middle brace to knock down the jet wash, but it also has a perpendicular piece that is angled in to center of boat... same for starboard side.

I am not sure if you have to assemble the fins or if they will come in larger box with the middle brace already attached.

I'm not sure if the outside port fin would be same as inside starboard fin.

For ordering purposes to start it makes it easier to say I need 100 complete sets and not 42 complete sets as designed and then I need x remaining to be outside port motor and outside starboard motor.

Anyways the video has looked great. I have having doubts for a while, but been excited again since I saw the videos.

@JetBoatPilot one question. We have to epoxy/set the stop in place. If that is turned down to much below the min point on measurement what effect will that have or just cause to much drag on the pump?
For ordering purposes to start it makes it easier to say I need 100 complete sets and not 42 complete sets as designed and then I need x remaining to be outside port motor and outside starboard motor.

but it does make sense to say i need 150 port side and 100 starboard side, if the port (outside fin) is compatible... which @JetBoatPilot can answer. I would imagine we are going to assemble as we have in the past. So all Will has to do is to look at our boat year and model (which we have to give to him when ordering) to determine if we need the cutout or not. His XV kit included both fins / cutout and non cutout. I understand the aluminium is more money, so he would not be able to provide both in each kit
When fin is in water wont notice the notch. When it's on trailer eh I'm pulling the boat or its parked in my garage.

If you have looked st some of the footage the port motor has the middle brace to knock down the jet wash, but it also has a perpendicular piece that is angled in to center of boat... same for starboard side.

I am not sure if you have to assemble the fins or if they will come in larger box with the middle brace already attached.

I'm not sure if the outside port fin would be same as inside starboard fin.

For ordering purposes to start it makes it easier to say I need 100 complete sets and not 42 complete sets as designed and then I need x remaining to be outside port motor and outside starboard motor.

Anyways the video has looked great. I have having doubts for a while, but been excited again since I saw the videos.

@JetBoatPilot one question. We have to epoxy/set the stop in place. If that is turned down to much below the min point on measurement what effect will that have or just cause to much drag on the pump?
When you set your up stop with set screw and epoxy it is pre set from the factory to the most ideal setting. To ensure that yours is tuned properly we're including a height gauge which will help you to verify that there are no issues with your system's angle of deflection. The install video will show you every step.

Fins will be shipped flat in a box and will require assembly.
When you set your up stop with set screw and epoxy it is pre set from the factory to the most ideal setting. To ensure that yours is tuned properly we're including a height gauge which will help you to verify that there are no issues with your system's angle of deflection. The install video will show you every step.

Fins will be shipped flat in a box and will require assembly.

Is the outside port fin the same as the inside starboard side, except for the writing ?
if so, why not put that in the box for those of us with no rudder
Is the outside port fin the same as the inside starboard side, except for the writing ?
if so, why not put that in the box for those of us with no rudder
Call me tomorrow and I'll explain this more. It's just not that easy over the forum here.
i think it would also be and issue with the stopping bolt or whatever that is on the outside of each motor set. if they are cut different due to net set or stop bolt might be another issue making it so cant just move outside port fin to inside starboard.
I guess I’m missing something, can someone post a picture of what is being discussed above. Is this only in regards to twins, or is this in regards to a single motor with a rudder as well.
check post #393 for the picture
previous year boats do not have a rudder, but on the TVW will receive a cutout fin when it is not necessary.
Maybe I'm missing something too, but who even pays attention to something like the cut out in the fin?? You can't even see it when boat is in the water.