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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

All good, I emailed last night and had a refund for the difference when I woke up. Excellent customer service!
Good glad we got this cleared up!
Are we there yet. Are we there yet, is it here yet!?
Are we there yet. Are we there yet, is it here yet!?
I am saying the same thing....are we done yet...are we done yet....and my wife....don't even get her started.
Just changed my preorder to red :) what's the finish going to be like on the paint?
Just changed my preorder to red :) what's the finish going to be like on the paint?
Actually not painted, they will be anodized. Look up red anodized finish on Google. We don't have samples images to share right now.
*crickets* this dropped to 3rd page.
Nothing more to report until they get in our hands. I can only assume no more development will happen since they have gone to production. Now it is in our hands to show them off with different ballast combinations, and boat configs to find the sweet spot.
Some had questions and I thought he said he had videos to make to show off in those situations. Could be wrong.. I hope they are taking delivery of parts soon.
I'd personally like to see a flat tube at 60ft length with gopro where a head would be.
It’ll be hard to beat the manta ray as far as keeping a tube out of the spray

Man, that thing looks so fun even if it might kill me.
It’ll be hard to beat the manta ray as far as keeping a tube out of the spray

Initially, eventually all the spray you avoided catches up to you...spray karma if you will!
Sorry I have been MIA. I've been fine tuning one final part that needed some last minute testing. We're still looking good for late May deliveries. Hopefully around Memorial day deliveries or just prior.
Sorry I have been MIA. I've been fine tuning one final part that needed some last minute testing. We're still looking good for late May deliveries. Hopefully around Memorial day deliveries or just prior.
Are single and twin engine models going out at the same time?
Yes in the order in which the order was placed. We think we're going to be able to ship most of them by the 21st so they'll be in your hands for the weekend of Memorial day. That is unless something gets dropped by a vendor and we are delayed unexpectedly.
Hey guys and gals, here's an update video that we just put together. Sorry for the delay on getting new info out. We're working round the clock to get these things produced and out the door before Memorial Day Weekend. Hopefully this will shed some light on where we are today. We're also tweaking one additional feature that is being added to the twin engine kits. We'll have info on that hopefully next week. Enjoy!

If you're in need of additional information please feel free to contact our office on Monday at 850-867-1410.

Also remember that pre sale pricing goes up to $749.95 on twins and $374.95 on singles on May 1st. Order online or call before the end of the month to get in on the best savings. Current price for twin is $699 and single is $349.
Once we begin shipping the price will go to full retail.

I really like the look of the silver finish. Too bad that's not what it's going to look like.