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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Damnit Swatski, and you had the best response to that question yet with actual photos from Yamaha!!

Sorry for killing your thread Will, we tried. Time to start a new Thrust Vector Wake thread, as this one is officially hijacked.

Ok we'll get this train back on the rails with some new video and information this afternoon.
Although the popcorn and watching has been fun, I think the best way to get this thread back on track is for Will to post some more Videos of that TV Testing and tantalize us poor bored thread watchers with some clean wakes....

waiting...patiently waiting...
What about pulling a tube from a pop up pylon?

—Asking for a friend
Although the popcorn and watching has been fun, I think the best way to get this thread back on track is for Will to post some more Videos of that TV Testing and tantalize us poor bored thread watchers with some clean wakes....

waiting...patiently waiting...
I think I just stumbled upon Will's video. @JetBoatPilot, Very nice!

^^ Looks damn good to me. This is a good enough wake for most anyone, but maybe a pro.

I couldn’t get our Moomba Mobius LSV to make that good of a wake..
I had to leave a comment on YouTube and in the Facebook forums. This is an excellent video!! Very well done as well.

Decorum does not allow me to fully express how I feel right now! Excited? Yes, let's stick with excited. WOW WOW WOW!! I'm so jacked now.

Thanks for waiting to share an excellent example of this wave. I am also impressed with the heelside skills of your surfer!!
I have clearly been on both sides encouraging and picking. Hopefully it was all useful in some way. Is it the best wave I have seen behind a yami? No. Is it darn impressive considering how it is being achieved? Heck yes! Is two surfing ropeless at once impressive even if seems to me a bit of work for the surfers? Heck yes!

I will admit I did not think would be that good but am glad it is even if needing ballast which there is just no getting around IMO. Now just one more bonus type question. What does the wakeboard wave look like? Sorry had to ask because I want it all and a box of chocolates.

Great video too.
So all I need is to finally get my order, and round up 5 more fatass buddies...I think I'll have to tell them I'm not supplying lunch tho!
I have clearly been on both sides encouraging and picking. Hopefully it was all useful in some way. Is it the best wave I have seen behind a yami? No. Is it darn impressive considering how it is being achieved? Heck yes! Is two surfing ropeless at once impressive even if seems to me a bit of work for the surfers? Heck yes!

I will admit I did not think would be that good but am glad it is even if needing ballast which there is just no getting around IMO. Now just one more bonus type question. What does the wakeboard wave look like? Sorry had to ask because I want it all and a box of chocolates.

Great video too.
I'll get wakeboarding video soon.
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Ok so I've never surfed but i thought you did it on the outside of the wave where it curles/breakes
The best push is just forward from there. The Thrust Vector Wake and ballast bags make that pocket cleaner and larger plus the wave taller.
Looks great! Is there still $100 rebate when old Thrust Vectors are returned?
Yes there is.
take my moneyyyyy! Oh wait, I don't have any right now...
The wakeboarding wake looks similar to my 242 with no ballast and 4 people on board with two exceptions. One is the spray in the middle is knocked down which is nice but I don’t really see it helping with wave height or curl in the video but I guess possible it is a bit firmer. Two is the dude who can pull regular and switch tantrums on a wake that small. Seriously that guy is a beast.

I had to look back at the surf video after seeing that. The rider is obviously very good, the ballast/crew weight is obviously helping a lot but I still think TVW is still helping too. Hard to tell just how much but I think a decent bit.

@JetBoatPilot has also shown us something very interesting. He weighed down the swim deck in the middle to get the wave bigger and then listed with internal ballast (people in the cabin this case but internal ballast would work). Shows just how key fine tuning ballast placement is. Again I am sure that the TVW is helping given what I don’t see just before the wave breaking and what I do see under the water. It it is hard to tell just how much it is helping in both videos without side by side. Great overall result just the same.