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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

For all you Single Engine Guys and Gals out there, don't think we didn't think about you yesterday!

May I present to you the first ever "Double Crossover" EVER ON A 19 FOOT JET BOAT!!!!!

Boat: 2019 Yamaha AR195, Gear: Thrust Vector Wake Plus JetBoatPilot Ballast System (600lbs steel shot ballast plus bag), Crew: 4 Adult Males 700 LBS, Fresh Water, 20 Foot Deep, Straight Line, No Lean!!!

Damn you Will, I placed my order today. It just had to be done. I’m glad we have choices on ballast, as I feel the steel shot ballast will be great for those that will want to fine tune this system.

jcyamaharider, you may want to cash in on this for those of us that want to compliment it with your custom swim deck bag. A group buy would let you benefit from this tech as well. It’s a win win for everyone.

Nice work guys!!
Will, when you got the curl, did you change speed or did anyone shift? I ask so I can replicate with my 212X. In other words, have you found the "sweet speed" to get to?
I know I will be running my Gantlin bag 490 lbs in the center one the transom along with another 100 lbs of lead bags on each side under the rear seats and another 350 lbs in the ski locker. Surfs up!!
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This is great and worth the wait. Question, did you have anyone in the bow?
Nope, just the weight on the transom. It's worth noting that we surfed the other day with two people on the boat and the same weight in 6.5 feet of water and still got great results!
Nope, just the weight on the transom. It's worth noting that we surfed the other day with two people on the boat and the same weight in 6.5 feet of water and still got great results!
This is very interesting as with a custom ballast bag off to the side and a driver in the boat with one other person (2017 AR195). We had the one person in the bow. Never did try putting the bag on the center. With the ballast centered, Thrust Vector Wake and the amount of people weight you had in the back of the boat (plus a bigger fuel tank). My point is this must help plain better as I’m not sure we could have got on plain with all the weight in the back (assuming this could be from Thrust Vector Wake and maybe a little from not having the boat listed). Also if I can put the ballast bag in the center I will still be able to use my ladder and finally not have to move the bag as I surf normal and of course my son surfs goofy! All I can say is I always expected great product (based on prior purchases) however I was starting to question this a little bit in the past few weeks. Keep in mind my questioning was never if the product would help on the spray it was in regards to if the product would improve surfing on the 19’. Those reservations are now gone.
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This is very interesting as with a custom ballast bag off to the side and a driver in the boat with one other person (2017 AR195). We had the one person in the bow. Never did try putting the bag on the center. With the ballast centered, Thrust Vector Wake and the amount of people weight you had in the back of the boat (plus a bigger fuel tank). My point is this must help plain better as I’m not sure we could have got on plain with all the weight in the back (assuming this could be from Thrust Vector Wake and maybe a little from not having the boat listed). Also if I can put the ballast bag in the center I will still be able to use my ladder and finally not have to move the bag as I surf normal and of course my son surfs goofy! All I can say is I always expected great product (based on prior purchases) however I was stating to question this a little bit in the past few weeks. Keep in mind my questioning was never if the product would help on the spray it was in regards to if the product would improve surfing on the 19’. Those reservations are now gone.
We did not want to oversell the idea until we had some solid proof. We're super excited about the results and cant wait to share it with you guys!
My honest feedback regarding the twin engine is that that I hope there is more video showing the impact of the TVS alone. 400 lbs of underseat ballast alone cleans the wake a bit in my boat and hard to tell what is making the difference on a 21ft boat. I would also be remiss if I did not point out that the rider (thanks to him BTW) is certainly not 200lbs and the wave only a bit more than ankle high. Not trying to reignite the what is trying to be accomplished/promised debate but just pointing out for those who intend to try and surf with only this setup.

To be clear I am sure the TVS is doing something and helping in some way. It is observing/quantifying that delta in isolation that I am most curious about. Second thing I would love to see would be a 180-220lb adult surfing it.

Keep at it Will the twin shows promise and the single looks great.
I am guessing 190 series folks are losing their minds right now. As the single engine wake looks better than anything (at this time of course)

I can't wait to play with this and fine tune the wake. It will be interesting to see how folks play with less throttle on the surf side as well to help additionally clean up that wake.

I know you were shooting for straight line performance, but notice in the single engine video how the wake looks on the starboard side when the boat makes a slow starboard turn! It's incredible!!
I am guessing 190 series folks are losing their minds right now. As the single engine wake looks better than anything (at this time of course)

I can't wait to play with this and fine tune the wake. It will be interesting to see how folks play with less throttle on the surf side as well to help additionally clean up that wake.

I know you were shooting for straight line performance, but notice in the single engine video how the wake looks on the starboard side when the boat makes a slow starboard turn! It's incredible!!
Sorry, call me slow. I’m wanting to share the excitement. But. How do we know what the wake looks like behind a single with 600lbs of ballast and 4 adults on the transom with no Surf TVs (TVWs?)?
Surfing ropeless behind a single with a 600 or 700 lbs transom bag and no wedge or any other devices is doable even with the 190 (n/a) boats which have less power and smaller pump than the 195...
What am I missing?

Common Swatski, you and I are dual engine guys. But anyone with a 190 series knows what the wake looks like without. So this should be easy to see. It sure as hell doesn't look as clean as that video above. And I don't think it's necessarily volume, its the cleanliness of the wave.

I could be slow and wrong as well. But you are right, you can surf without, but you didn't see many posts on here from 190 series owners doing it, let alone ropeless. The 190 should have more than enough power as well. It's not a good comparison, but we surfed behind our 20ft 240hp SeaDoo prior to the 242LS.
I've had people sitting on the back of my 190 and when plowing through the water at slower speeds I was impressed with the large clean wake that it was leaving. If you have a lot of weight on the rear of the boat isn't it effectively changing the angle of the boat thrust under the water and therefore cleaning up the surf?
I've had people sitting on the back of my 190 and when plowing through the water at slower speeds I was impressed with the large clean wake that it was leaving. If you have a lot of weight on the rear of the boat isn't it effectively changing the angle of the boat thrust under the water and therefore cleaning up the surf?
Absolutely. That also appears to be the “secret” to @bobbie’s insane wake behind her 212, even though she is (was?) in a river and going straight.
But whatever.
Edit: I’m also speaking from personal (hands on) experience, not trying to blow smoke, as I used to have a 190 and did a lot of modifications to it.
In my case, now with the twin switching from insane amount of ballast everywhere to very modest amount of ballast supplemented with the huge carefully placed Gatlin swim deck bag made all the difference in the wake.

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Great job Will! Product certainly looks to be promising for the jet boat community! On the twin engine video where the wave forms and then crushes down that might be related to the depth you were in. Do you recall the depth? Most wake boat guys say anything less than 15 feet will have a pretty negative impact in the wave not only in looks but push. Did that boat have Ridesteady? It would certainly help hold a better speed which will also give more consistency in the wave. Product looking really nice and can't wait to see the end result after all the hard work.

The single engine video was pretty cool too! I tried center ballast once and got nowhere near the same results as you did, thus listing the boat provided good results. However when I did central ballast I also didn't have a deflector like your device so that just shows to me how much your product works. These jets while fun sure do make it a pain dealing with all the jet wash when you want to clean things up but looks like you've got a nice product for the single engine guys. Congrats!

It will also be interesting to see the first person who combines all of the wave enhancement mods such as your new surf fins, Gantlin wake wedge plus the custom transom bag. I think that combo would be really interesting to see and I bet would be a sweet wave!
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Will, do you have any plans to test with a Wake Booster installed?
Will, do you have any plans to test with a Wake Booster installed?

That’s what I want to see. No jet wash and more water directed towards the wave.
This is very interesting as with a custom ballast bag off to the side and a driver in the boat with one other person (2017 AR195). We had the one person in the bow. Never did try putting the bag on the center. With the ballast centered, Thrust Vector Wake and the amount of people weight you had in the back of the boat (plus a bigger fuel tank). My point is this must help plain better as I’m not sure we could have got on plain with all the weight in the back (assuming this could be from Thrust Vector Wake and maybe a little from not having the boat listed). Also if I can put the ballast bag in the center I will still be able to use my ladder and finally not have to move the bag as I surf normal and of course my son surfs goofy! All I can say is I always expected great product (based on prior purchases) however I was starting to question this a little bit in the past few weeks. Keep in mind my questioning was never if the product would help on the spray it was in regards to if the product would improve surfing on the 19’. Those reservations are now gone.
We too were not sure if it would help surfing but now we are convinced that it will. We're going to continue to develop the product all the way up to launch day and hopefully deliver our best right out of the gate!
All I want is no spray tubing... The other benefits are just bonus!
All I want is no spray tubing... The other benefits are just bonus!
Imo that's least important because if they are on the tube they should expect to get wet. We were using a 2person yamaha sit up right tube all last year never had huge issue for water spray.

Idk how long rope was it was made for rubbing though so would guess 60ft
We like belly tubing and getting swung around. The spray in the face has sucked on all 3 jet boats that I owned. We keep googles on board just for the tube. Never heard of anyone trying to make the tube ride better and from what I have seen this is innovative and will do that.