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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

I'm officially super excited to try this now, gonna have to figure out a little more rear ballast and dial it in with internal ballast, but all signs point to this summer of wake surfing being quite good. Geat job Will!
Would really be interesting to see in conjunction with the wake booster/pipe booster device.

Wow.! The 19ft 195 display is impressive as well. Anyone recognize the wakesurf board? Makes it look so easy.

Wow.! The 19ft 195 display is impressive as well. Anyone recognize the wakesurf board? Makes it look so easy.
I think we'd all have a bit easier time if we were 20 years younger and 135 lbs when wet... ;) @Thomasw51 can you verify your weight for us?

Board choice matters, especially on a smaller wake. If your a 160lb+ rider you'll want something 5'0"+ with a decent surface area to maximize whatever push the wake has in it.
I think we'd all have a bit easier time if we were 20 years younger and 135 lbs when wet... ;) @Thomasw51 can you verify your weight for us?

Board choice matters, especially on a smaller wake. If your a 160lb+ rider you'll want something 5'0"+ with a decent surface area to maximize whatever push the wake has in it.

Haha I weigh around 130 riding a 4’11 size board. We had a guy who weighs probably twice my weight and surfed with a longer board no problem behind our twin engine with Trust Vector Wake installed
Haha I weigh around 130 riding a 4’11 size board. We had a guy who weighs probably twice my weight and surfed with a longer board no problem behind our twin engine with Trust Vector Wake installed
Thanks for demoing this for us geezers. Thanks for joining and chiming in as well. Don’t forget to let your dad and Will know you want a jetski for your bday.
Yes! How can I make sure my preorder is the red color?

I was just invoiced $45 for a single. I’m guessing that was a mistake?
Yep unless shipping was not added originally...call the office tomorrow 8508671410
Yep unless shipping was not added originally...call the office tomorrow 8508671410

Nope I paid shipping on the original order, I’ll call you guys tomorrow to get it squared away. Thanks Will.
Nope I paid shipping on the original order, I’ll call you guys tomorrow to get it squared away. Thanks Will.
Sorry for the screw up.
Does adding the new JBP - TVW's to a new 2019 242x impact the Yamaha factory warranty in any way?
Hey Will. I have pre-ordered and have a question. If I up to the red TVW's, will that delay shipping?
Should not but no guarantees at the moment.