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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

8mm bolt approx. 1 inch long and washer plus stainless standoff is about 10mm long, 12mm OD 8mm I'd. Use locktite. Medium blue.
Thanks Will. Ended up using nylon bushings because stand-offs in metric are hard to find. ...seems to work. I did use loctite blue-good tip It ought to hold me until my shipment comes in...
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Ok good deal.
Just ordered mine... Pretty pumped!

I was looking at getting a regular thrust vector, but this will be nice for when the kids are old enough for water sports :)
Getting Excited. I placed my order on December 31, 2018. Leaving for a 7 day Lake Powell Trip Wednesday May 29th. Tubing and Wake Boarding are on the menu. If the the first ship takes place Tuesday May 21st I will have Memorial Day weekend to install. Perfect timing Will.
Getting Excited. I placed my order on December 31, 2018. Leaving for a 7 day Lake Powell Trip Wednesday May 29th. Tubing and Wake Boarding are on the menu. If the the first ship takes place Tuesday May 21st I will have Memorial Day weekend to install. Perfect timing Will.

rubbing it in for thoseof us in later shipments... for shame!!??? i'd do the same lol. take pics!!
I am leaving got my memorial day trip on the 23rd early afternoon... well like noon lol.

If it somehow arrives before then I will be installing in parking lot in Charleston
There may be some good news if all shipments come in as promised....I may can get into some of the April orders and get them shipped by Wednesday or Tursday..... no promises but we're busting hump to ship as many as we can prior to the big weekend!
If you're removing old Thrust Vectors to do your Thrust Vector Wake install this weekend please watch this video for some tips that may be helpful if your bolts are stuck. Though it does not happen all the time it is possible so we wanted to make sure that you had these tips to make this process as smooth as possible.
Will, can you confirm approximate ship date for the 'rest of us'? I think I ordered like April 21st or something.

Thanks, I recognize you guys are doing everything you can to get orders out!
Patience, I think as he explained for us April guys, nothing can be confirmed until they actually get through the orders. I think it's fair to say, us April guys will not see ours prior to the holiday and be very lucky if before June 1.

Set our expectations low and be happily surprised if they do. I have already remounted my pumps finless for now, and know that any boating I do prior will just let me appreciate the TV's that much more when I get them installed again.
I have already pulled off my CJS Vipers in anticipation and look forward to trying out the new system over the holiday weekend. Looking back, I believe I placed my order around December 12th.
Just got word that one of our suppliers dropped the ball on one of the components. We're hoping to get more info tomorrow and if it can be done we're looking to overnight parts so that they're here Wednesday. With that said no orders will be going out tomorrow for sure.

The next round of orders should be shipping the first or second week of June. We have another part that was backordered until about June 3. We're pushing all our suppliers as hard as we can but things do happen.

We'll begin sending out tracking numbers as we generate them and hope to still get many orders out for the holiday weekend!!
Just got word that one of our suppliers dropped the ball on one of the components. We're hoping to get more info tomorrow and if it can be done we're looking to overnight parts so that they're here Wednesday. With that said no orders will be going out tomorrow for sure.

The next round of orders should be shipping the first or second week of June. We have another part that was backordered until about June 3. We're pushing all our suppliers as hard as we can but things do happen.

We'll begin sending out tracking numbers as we generate them and hope to still get many orders out for the holiday weekend!!

Mine were ordered early January so anticipating delivery soon. Thanks for keeping us updated.
At this moment if all goes well tomorrow I'm planning on meeting Jim in Nashville early Wednesday morning and driving back straight through the night to begin shipments on Wednesday.
At this moment if all goes well tomorrow I'm planning on meeting Jim in Nashville early Wednesday morning and driving back straight through the night to begin shipments on Wednesday.
Thanks Will!
super excited Will. Ordered mine back in January is it safe to assume it should be shipping this week?
super excited Will. Ordered mine back in January is it safe to assume it should be shipping this week?
If all goes well today. Yes. Hoping to ship bulk or early orders on Wednesday
Just got my shipping confirmation, but UPS it's going to take 8 days to deliver. Unfortunate since I'm leaving for a one week lake trip early in the morning of the anticipated delivery. Called and talked to Kim and she interrupted my order fulfillment and allowed me to pay for expedited shipping (not too much more). Can't think of another company with better service. Thank you Kim and Will.
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Waiting patiently on my email