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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Just got my shipping confirmation, but UPS is going to take 8 days to deliver. Unfortunate since I'm leaving for a one week lake trip early in the morning of the anticipated delivery. Oh well, so much for a memorial day weekend install...

Those should be rerouted to MN then. I will send you mine when they come in! HA. Have a safe holiday!
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Just got my e-mail and shows an anticipated delivery date of 5/30.
I keep refreshing my email..
Doesnt seem like anyone is going to be using the TVW's for Memorial Day Weekend :confused:
No email yet here.

Maybe it's just slower to deliver email to the west coast! Ha!
I wish I'm I'm Atlanta and havent received my email. I ordered Feb 2.
Mine came via my UPS account notifying me that a tracking number has been generated to be delivered at my home address.
Just got my tracking number, it hasn't updated with a delivery day yet....I will remove my old TV when I install the new TVW next week!
I got my email - I ordered beginning of Dec.

Tracking also shows a delivery date of the 30th.

Not sure how anyone thought they were getting them by this weekend with the Wed ship date.
Wonder what total # of pre orders were
their facebook page says they shipped 112 today. i counted over 200 boxes in their pictures. quite the undertaking indeed. your hard work is appreciated!!!
Anyone in Jan order get an email today? I ordered Feb 2nd and no email. More per orders then I expected.
Update. Mine now shows a delivery date of Tuesday!! Just in time for the first weekend of June. My kids are pretty excited to get them on and try surfing.