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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

So after reading ALL 31 pages, I still don't know if I want to pull the trigger on this... FML!!! lol
Just to be clear as I don't think that it was fully discussed, this combined with either the wedge or the Yamaha booster should produce a good, decent, mediocre, etc "surfable" wave right? I'm trying not to add ballast unless its absolutely necessary. I don't have to have the giant pretty Moomba wave, just something to get my fat ass up on. lol

Have you tried rope surfing with your stock boat? You get a mediocre wave already, especially with a couple hefty adults on the surf side. Whatever you do, you need weight. Fat adults or ballast, it is what it is. These folks have proven that as much weight as you can should be low and aft for the best waves.

These add ons are providing the clean up and enhancements that Will is claiming. But you still need ballast. If you go out and rope surf now, you will see the wave you will be getting at a slightly smaller volume and it will be dirty. But if you are unsure, just wait another couple weeks and we all will be posting up videos of every combination of devices and ballast (or lack there of) and then you can make your decision.
Have you tried rope surfing with your stock boat? You get a mediocre wave already, especially with a couple hefty adults on the surf side. Whatever you do, you need weight. Fat adults or ballast, it is what it is. These folks have proven that as much weight as you can should be low and aft for the best waves.

These add ons are providing the clean up and enhancements that Will is claiming. But you still need ballast. If you go out and rope surf now, you will see the wave you will be getting at a slightly smaller volume and it will be dirty. But if you are unsure, just wait another couple weeks and we all will be posting up videos of every combination of devices and ballast (or lack there of) and then you can make your decision.
No, not yet. I just ordered a Zup Do more that I'll hopefully get to try out this weekend. I'm just getting into the watersports side of things. I'm debating on whether or not to get an actual surf board and ballast and wakebooster or doing a pipe booster or something. I think I'm going to order the TVW today and go from there. Seems like it'll be worth it to cut down on the spray for both tubing and for the various do more activities and clean up the wave a bit. Neither myself nor the kids have ever done any wakeboarding, surfing. skiing, etc, so if I can make more comfortable them, they may enjoy it more just starting out.
Doesn't look like mine has shipped yet but that is probably because I upgraded to the red version :p ok for me I am traveling the next week anyways!
Yes and best in mind the new retail with the wake shaper is $849 after the ore sale expires May 31. Right now it's still $749.

Is the wake shaper also the claw? Will it be extra later?
Is the wake shaper also the claw? Will it be extra later?
JetWash Deflector comes in the box with all Twin Engine Thrust Vector Wake kits. The claw is also part of each kit, both twin and single.
Wait, what is the claw?
New Video Alert: This video features Thrust Vector Wake unboxing as well as the proper assembly steps for the JetWash Deflector.

Alright damnit...I just placed my order. Looks like the trim tabs are being put on hold for a bit. :(
@JetBoatPilot I placed my order in late May 2019. Do you know if it shipped yet?
Not likely. We're still in Feb. orders. Parts are coming in slowly due to anodization among other things.
The claw = jet wash deflector that watches to the ladder? Where did I miss it getting christened?
It was announced by video a few weeks ago. Do you not get our newsletter?
Ordered March 9th. Any idea on approx shipping date?
We did, and to prevent any sort of rubbing or clearance issues we advise straightening the nozzles on 212x or 242x models. If you do not, the turn radius is reduced a bit by the up stop bracket which touches the side of the nozzle in hard turns. Straightening the nozzles remedies this and the Thrust Vector Wake deflectors accomplish the same task as the nozzles being turned inward.
New to the jet boat thing and was wondering..If the thrust vector wake does the same as the nozzles turned inward, Why buy the TVW and not just leave the nozzles turned inward?
New to the jet boat thing and was wondering..If the thrust vector wake does the same as the nozzles turned inward, Why buy the TVW and not just leave the nozzles turned inward?
Will (aka @JetBoatPilot) from jetboatpilot.com has answered this question earlier in the thread. If I understand this correcly, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea with the newer Yamaha twins is to actually change the angle of the jets as to straighten the thrust so it's not angled in, and the kits directs the jet downwards and smooths off and cleans up the center of the wake with a seperate "JetWash Deflector".

Guys did I get that correct?