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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

All I can say now is, I pulled my Thrust Vector XV’s in preparation for the TV Wake’s. First time out in years finless, and I am blown away by how much difference the TV’s make on these boats.

And that’s not to say the boat was not drivable, as it was. But for those that are thinking “just learn to drive” or “stock isn’t bad” need to drive these boats with Thrust Vectors!!

I’m just glad I still have my Lateral Thrusters on. As I backed our 242 into the dock at the bar, rather than forward. LT’s still made me look like a boss even without TV’s installed.

Waiting in anticipation for the user videos!
Done. I’m excited to try it out. A little grinding on the stops allowed the steering yoke nut to attach just fine. I recommend at grinding stone in a drill over the Dremel. I tried both. The clearances are a little tight and depending on the tolerances of the pump housing and installation of the stops to the housing a little adjustment may be needed. But it wasn’t hard. The final stop adjustment for the full up position was a piece of cake, although my gauge wouldn’t stay on top of the pump without holding it. I could have used one more hand or a piece of tape. Here are a couple photos of the grinding results.

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will, if you need measurements to get a bigger sample across more yamahas i wouldnt mind running a tape and taking pictures. i also dont mind being a guinea pig. oink oink my good man ??
I got the same results Dremel vs Right angle drill with stone. The drill was far better and now I feel better either way I go with nut up or down the bolt can rotate freely. I recommend checking the fit before you put the fins on and after the epoxy cures.

Battle is a little strong. This 61 year old man spent more time reviewing the install video than I did working on the install. This new TVW is such a major leap forward In technology I wanted to make sure I did it right. I don’t mind at all sharing my experience which may not be typical. I rarely deal with any new technology at any level that doesn’t need a little tweaking at first. I have no doubt Will appreciates the feedback and will quickly make adjustments. In the mean time, us early adopters need a little patience and expect to be a bit of a Guinea pig.
I use the term battle loosely. In the context of hoping it’s not too difficult or take that too long. That’s all I meant.
View attachment 95199

I'm worried with that close of a tolerance vibration and turning will loosen the upstop bracket. Do you recommend grinding it and if so how?
Thanks for any insight..
We are modifying the part since there are several that have had their holes bored this near to our bracket. I have ground several of the ones I have on hand for shipments this week and see no issue with that.
My order date was February 16, lol must’ve been where th cut off was for the first shipment. dang! Excited to get these on.
Mine arrived at my office today! Gonna start the removal of the existing vectors, install the lateral thrusters and then put these on....looks like I'll probably have to do a part mod myself, or make new ones at the shop!
Mine arrived at my office today! Gonna start the removal of the existing vectors, install the lateral thrusters and then put these on....looks like I'll probably have to do a part mod myself, or make new ones at the shop!
The mod is pretty simple. We're doing a 45 degree chamfer on the underside of the deflector up stop but yours may not need that since every nozzle appears to be slightly different in some way.
So for the people who ordered after Jan 31st yall still expecting next week before shipping? Do you expect supplier will have all pieces for remaining pre orders to yall at that time?
Yes we sent out many more today. I think up through mid February but not sure. I was not in on that part of the shipping today. I was busy building kits and quality controlling.
Was told last fridays shipments were from Jan 29th-31st. Does that sound accurate?
Was told last fridays shipments were from Jan 29th-31st. Does that sound accurate?
I think last Friday got us up through Feb 12. Today got us to Feb 21. We're expecting larger shipments this week. Hoping to get all orders shipped by mid June or before.
I'm done with the install..it took me two days but I'm slow and meticulous. Also I had to remove my old steering system. I'll post pics. If I can help with any questions..shoot. The Jet Wash Deflector fits perfectly with no movement and was easy to put together. My #1 recommendation follow the video precisely and watch it over and over by your side while going through the steps. Most of my mistakes or confusion were due to not following Will's instructions step by step. Will is always helpful and answers questions immediately. I don't think he sleeps...
I can't emphasize this enough...Locktite, Locktite, Locktite..he's right.haha. I let the epoxy on the upstops cure over night before going to the next step. I believe that helped tremendously with the fin install due to all the spring and fin movement/adjustment. I added some extra epoxy to the gaps, but sometimes I over due it. I also bought an extra bottle of the blue locktite to use. I haven't been out yet to test it but will share when I do.
Good Luck and Happy Boating!
I'm done with the install..it took me two days but I'm slow and meticulous. Also I had to remove my old steering system. I'll post pics. If I can help with any questions..shoot. The Jet Wash Deflector fits perfectly with no movement and was easy to put together. My #1 recommendation follow the video precisely and watch it over and over by your side while going through the steps. Most of my mistakes or confusion were due to not following Will's instructions step by step. Will is always helpful and answers questions immediately. I don't think he sleeps...
I can't emphasize this enough...Locktite, Locktite, Locktite..he's right.haha. I let the epoxy on the upstops cure over night before going to the next step. I believe that helped tremendously with the fin install due to all the spring and fin movement/adjustment. I added some extra epoxy to the gaps, but sometimes I over due it. I also bought an extra bottle of the blue locktite to use. I haven't been out yet to test it but will share when I do.
Good Luck and Happy Boating!
Thanks for the feedback! Let us know when you've had a chance to test.
My order was placed Jan 28th... I have no shipping notification ?