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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Just installed mine and I’m glad I read through the notes from previous installs. Thank you for the tips!1F14EE2B-38FE-4589-B6DE-928F3A325875.jpeg
Did you go back to starboard material? I thought you settled on aluminum for the side fins for strength.
I think they are 1/4" aluminum if I remember correctly.
We went with .250 thick aluminum but we round the corners and we anodize black. In a few weeks we'll be going to powder coated black instead of anodized. We believe the powder will be a better long term coating. The anodize is beautiful and definitely corrosion resistant, but I think the powder coat may be a better fit.
We went with .250 thick aluminum but we round the corners and we anodize black. In a few weeks we'll be going to powder coated black instead of anodized. We believe the powder will be a better long term coating. The anodize is beautiful and definitely corrosion resistant, but I think the powder coat may be a better fit.
will preorders all be anodized? id prefer that for mine anyways
Late April order but I would prefer anodized if I have a say.
Late April order but I would prefer anodized if I have a say.
Ok call my office and specify so we can make sure yours are anodized.
Will, have you seen a particular vintage/model of pumps that are effected yet? Or should I say which revision may require the slightest of mods? Or was Yamaha a bit more random on their usage?

By looking at user profiles here, it seems to be late model boats with more current pumps. Maybe this has not been narrowed down yet. From what I remember you did most of your initial development on a 212x, of what year I am unsure.

I guess we will all know more as more folks attempt the install knowing they have a small chance of needing some refinement. Either way, it's not an issue us pre-order guys should not expect. That's why we took a chance and pre-ordered in the first place.
I have a 2017 AR195 and I had to make two modifications.

#1. I had to grind down the right stop so I could reconnect the steering cable.
#2. The holes on the EDIT "Claws" did not align and I had to drill out the hole on the plastic fang to make them fit.
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Immune delivers today. Hope to start the install tonight. Looks like I need to buy a grinder but for drill. 2016 AR240
*fins..NOT fangs. That's how you get fights started around here!!!!!!! hahahaha
Nope, I meant EDIT "CLAWS" NOT Fins. All the holes on the fins aligned perfectly.
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Yes, secondary deflector is also called the claw jokingly!! Lol